Hello dearest Ones, I am Sekhmet. Yes, Michael and Christine and I are adjusting. It feels wonderful to see you, and to be here with you. I will describe what's happening right now. With the "firehose" of Light that Adamos described to you (see recording HERE): the firehose of Mother and Father's Light pouring through your bodies, pouring through Christine's body, causing any old, or no longer useful or so-called 'dark energies' to be displaced, causing a rush of a firehose, of exit... and a tremendous upsurge of energies being released in the other direction.
Come Together
As I have been generously accepted to come in with Christine and Michael, I am showing her small adjustments she can make, so I will show it to all of you as well.
First, let me say: we all know each other. You know me, intimately, and I know you, each of you. I am tremendously touched to be with you at this important moment. Of course, I come through other channels too. Always, it is a delight to connect in this way and to share the message of the moment which will clear away a cloud and lift us all.
Now, notice how you are feeling. What is happening in your body? Put your attention - gently - on your body. Is there tension? If there is, just breathe into it and allow yourself to relax. As you notice your feelings, see how you are feeling. Do you feel stressed? Are you curious? Are you excited by all the magnificent news that our Adamos has just brought to us?
Allow yourself to relax. With the intention of relaxing, you will! That is one of the magnificent results of the Light pouring in, the HoneyLove of Mother and Father, the Golden Light, the encoded Rays of the Great Central Sun reaching us all! An intention can be easily met - more easily than ever before - so allow our - I say "allow our" - self to relax, because that is how it is for me. We are together as One in this moment. So We allow Ourself to relax.
As we do, I am coming to you, as well. No longer are we in the days where you will be "talked to" or shown something without being offered the very energies present. The energies it takes to produce a message are equally available to you to experience in the moment (as they are to the messenger). It's up to you. You are magnificent in your shining Pillars of Light, your glorious Ascension Pillars, so within the safety and warmth of your own Pillar, you may decide, "Yes, Mother Sekhmet, I invite you gently to come closer." Or, "Oh! I'm feeling the words, the transmission behind the words. As it is, I'll keep listening with curiosity."
We never do anything... without us all doing it. It's like a big white canvas is in front of us. Every paint stroke from every thought that each of us has - this moment on this call - every thought, every feeling, every intention is a brushstroke on that canvas, the canvas of this moment that we are making together. Every choice NOT to make a brushstroke and leave some space for the other brushstrokes to appear is... a choice.
Every moment we create together is a Masterpiece. It is impossible for it to be otherwise. So I bring you gentle gentle words, reassurance that you do not fail at Life. Truly, you don't even make mistakes. You simply make brushstrokes. Then, as you look up, and you see, perhaps, some brushstrokes that you may have made, and perhaps you don't enjoy the color. Well, you're already in a new moment, with a new canvas, and a new set of inputs, beings and family members - above and around you there - and you may simply begin to paint, fresh.
It Can Be a Bit Uncomfortable to Be Near Me
The story that I bring you today begins long long ago. It begins at the Beginning. I have never told it in this way before.
Christine was surprised and even a bit nervous last night when I came to her and told her that I would like to come on the show, and I would like her to channel me. We have never spoken directly (during her current lifetime) because in her life, Christine - as part of her Mission, her assignment, the life path she designed - had a portion of her life where she went and studied the systems of what you call the cabal, the indoctrination of how to go into the dark. She did, and she had literal training of this during her life. Then, as was arranged, she turned around and made choice after choice to walk right back out.
This did several things. It enabled her to take Light into those dark realms, and it enabled her to have a deep understanding of what happens to those who are exposed to the heavy programming that occurs. Christine turned around and came out, and I can't even say that she really restored herself to the Light because she was full of Light all the while. She had a very genuine participation in fulfilling that part of her life plan.
So, when she feels me, even at a distance or through other channels, she feels in me... a kind of flicker that she couldn't identify, and she told me right away last night, "I don't know why I'm nervous." She was respectful and said, "Mother Sekhmet, I don't know why I have a nervousness, but I feel this flicker," and she was correct. It is the very reason I wanted to come and speak with you today. Let's go back to the Beginning where this story begins. You will understand what Christine felt, and why it made her a little uncomfortable.
Mother and Father God Are Responsible for All of Creation, and So Are We
At the Beginning, outside of time, when Mother and Father looked out far across the potentials that existed, the Plan that they intended to Create, this Universe. When their gaze fell upon the story of Earth and every planet and Galactic race that would participate with Earth - of course, being Mother and Father - they could SEE the potentials of all that could and would happen.
They decided to go forward with the Creation that they were forming and having together. It is significant and important for you to grasp what I am saying. You are not part of a problem that you produced by yourself. You are not part of an evil - none of you! There are cabal member listening now to this show, and I tell you: you are not the only reason for this Earth's condition. The only reason something, anything can be experienced is because it is included, it is within, it is an allowance, it is part of the creation of what our Mother and Father allow, create, imagine, see.
Right now, each and every one of us, whether you are on a ship listening - many ships filled with benevolent Galactic benefactors do love to listen to this and to many other programs; they send their Light and Love for everyone who joins in - whether you are there on the surface, each and every one of us contributes in our own way to the story of Earth. Each and every one of us is a brand new expression of our Mother and Father. We are each a unique spark, lovingly created by them.
We are unique from the moment we leave Mother and Father. As a spark, we have our uniqueness, and as we fulfill incredible destinies, we - through our choices, through our own imbued ability to Create like our Mother and Father - we extend the story. We infuse the story. We participate. We put our focus, we take it, and we put it in a bigger direction, longer, newer!
However, the original potential of everything that could and would happen was always understood. The probable consequences were always known by our Mother and Father. They knew everything except for one. Even for Mother and Father God, there is an Edge of Creation that is beyond the Known.
Expand to Understand
Now... everyone, take a breath. On the last show, we here in the higher realms watched as you took steps in better understanding multidimensional comprehension when you learned about the Christed Grid. You cannot grab onto these thoughts with your only mind and know them. You must allow these words to hang gently in the air. Take another breath. This is a tremendous piece of our shared creation to reveal.
Standing back at the very beginning of this potential, Mother and Father were laughing, talking, earnestly looking, understanding what may be possible and deciding anyway to go ahead with the plan for Earth. Mother immediately said, when she saw that the potential would carry difficulty and suffering, she turned to Father with a solution. Mother's solution was a kind of safety net that would last throughout the entire project and even brings us current to this very moment on Earth.
And you could say that the solution was me. It was and is me.
I Was Created as Assurance that the Light would Always Prevail
Mother took a part of herself and offered it, and Father understood what she was doing. Father and Mother made the new spark that would be Sekhmet. I was not know by that name; we all come out with a beautiful sound, colors, uniqueness and essence. Our birth is a sacred moment that is shared by Mother and Father. At my birth, part of my uniqueness was their intention for me to be Mother's solution.
Their intention for me was that I would be a kind of container that would help this tremendous adventure. I would be able to hold within me the darkness that would undoubtedly arise from allowing this bold creative plan to unfurl.
Now remember, darkness is not an inherent quality. We are all made of Mother and Father, so it was more like I would have a space within me that would be surrounded with love that could contain this experience. I would be Mother's representation, the sponsor for this experience, and I would hold that darkness in the midst of love.
And I have.
True Understanding is Infinite
So when Christine spoke with me and was tender about feeling her own trip into understanding darkness this very life, she felt that in me. It is why she had not approached me before. She did not know how to think about or how to comprehend what she felt in me. And even the words I used today for you are a kind of wonderful example because the only way to perceive it all, would have been to start that very day, at the Beginning with Mother and Father and me.
Fortunately, as you rise, as you become the physical Angels you are to be in your Ascension on the surface of Earth, you will perceive more and more fully what I am telling you today. And Mother is coming next, and she will speak about our story as well.
I have never given a message like this before. I have travelled down these roads, all of this experience throughout all of this time. It has been my honor, but it has just been... me. It has just been who and what I Am to do.
This explanation does not mean I am dark. I am not. I simply am the expression of Love from Mother that ensured that the experience - were it to go beyond the edge of Creation someday - would never be beyond the containment of Love. Through this story, can you not see through our eyes what a special day on Earth this is? We weep with joy all the time for the fulfillment of the restoration of the Light, in every cell, in every experience, in every moment, in every thought. One-at-a-time they are all being healed. By you.
My Daughter
I want to speak of one more thing. Little BamBam is my child. I sent her to Christine because, with Christine's unique configuration, I knew that Christine would be able to love her as she would love her own birth-child, and indeed, Christine has. I knew that Christine would give an important ingredient to that love that would be needed for this part of me to have an incarnation at this time. Christine has never ever been upset with BamBam. She has never used a harsh word. Christine speaks to BamBam from the core of her being every time, and BamBam knows it.
Kathryn understood right away. She would say, "Look at BamBam walk! That is a big cat, and she is being a big cat." That is a strong part of the lineages I have borne throughout this magnificent and lengthy journey. So BamBam is actually working on many fronts to reconcile and heal many aspects for humanity, for me, for animals, and for certain Galactic races that have visited Earth. She has quite a job.
Christine calls BamBam "the most serious cat on Earth." BamBam is my child and she is Christine's and now in this moment, we are sharing such love for her. We are two beaming Moms, knowing even more about love than we did a moment ago. I am thanking Christine for the way she has loved my daughter.
All of your stories contain these magnificent revelations! Just wait! I want to call you my darlings. I want to tell you something: There is nothing you have ever done that is unforgivable. There is no darkness that is real. It has been an experience where we all learned.
Now, Mother is here, and she will speak through our beautiful Kathryn.
I hold you close. You may ask me to come, and we may sit together. You may ingest and comprehend more of some of the things I have said today.
I love you.
I am Sekhmet.
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