Sunday, February 7, 2016

Zingdad being interviewed by Magenta Pixie

February 7, 2016 by Steve Beckow

I first met Adamu of the Pleiadian Monad in Oct. 2008 when the much-promoted mothership sighting never occurred. I lost friends, suffered ridicule, and blasted Adamu as the only galactic then reachable for the apparent betrayal of lightworkers.

His response was so gracious at the time that he won me over and there started a back-and-forth conversation, parts of which are still recorded on Adamu’s channel’s site. (1) His channel is South-African musician Zingdad, aka Arn Allingham. (Zing is Arn’s Dachsund and Arn is Zing’s Dad.)

I’ve always found Adamu to be one of the most astute, pointed and comprehensible channels around and I regret that Zingdad does not seem at present to be channeling him. He ranked with SaLuSa for me.

Which may explain why I was so bowled over when Adamu said Disclosure would probably not occur before Ascension. I felt a similar shock when Matthew Ward said in Oct. 2012 that we’d wake up on Dec. 22, 2012 much the same as on Dec. 20.

Yet Matthew and Adamu appear to be right in their predictions. As we still wait for Disclosure, I repost Adamu’s sensible discussion of the issues involved. The truth is out there. Just not here, yet.

Greetings to you my friends!

I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian Civilisation.

Of all the questions put to those of us who you identified as “extra terrestrial” intelligences, the one we hear the most often, the question expressed with the most emotional intensity, is this:
“When are you going to appear in our skies? When are you going to land on earth? When is disclosure going to happen?”

This line of enquiry is so often put to us that you have probably begun to weary of our vague responses. Either this or you have become disenchanted with one or more failed promises of our arrival.

So now I wish to address this issue with some clarity. It is time for plain speaking and honesty. There is no more place for coyness. But in order to address this, I will require of you that you pay attention and follow my line of reasoning with me as I unravel the issues for you. It is unfortunately nowhere near as simple an issue as your might think it is.

To begin with. There is not simply one group of extraterrestrials “out there”. It is not a criticism if I say to you that your vision is somewhat myopic. It is simply a statement of fact given that you are a particle of consciousness incarnated into deep density. So it is natural that many people on earth don’t even believe in extra terrestrial life.

And of those that do, most think in terms of “extra terrestrials” as being one homogenous group of aliens. The broader thinkers amongst you might conceptualise there being a number of other inhabited planets which might send the occasional ship out to sneakily observe you. Well, the truth of the matter is vastly more complex and, dare I say it, exciting and interesting than this.

Earth is one of an infinite number of places upon which life exists. Of that infinity of points of origin a truly vast number of civilisations have, in this universe, evolved to the point where the boundaries of space and time have ceased to constrain them. There are many methods to move faster than light. It is in reality nothing more than an imaginary boundary.”

In the past, on your planet, there were those that said the speed of sound was an unbreakable barrier. Now your faster aircraft measure their speed in how many multiples of the speed of sound they are able to fly. And in a similar way the light-speed barrier is very much one that can be overcome. You simply need to think a little differently about the physics of the universe. Some methods allow craft to travel very fast indeed and traverse inter galactic spaces in a matter of, what would seem like, weeks or months. Other, more advanced techniques are more about consciousness than physics.

The craft is really a being that is able to elevate its consciousness to higher dimensional levels where this universe is just one of many parallel structures of reality and then to return to the lower dimensions again, this time at the space/time nexus of the desired destination. Such a process allows the traveller to go from any point in space and time in any one of the possible alternate universes to any other point in space/time/probability in an instant.

The translation might to a traveller objectively feel to have occurred in a matter of moments. But those moments are… mind expanding to say the least. You move into oneness with the universe and then return to separation and individuation again. It is a strange and wonderful thing to experience, especially the first few times.

But I digress.

What I wish to convey here is that there is a profuse abundance of life “out there”. Nothing I can say will stretch your imagination enough to even begin to understand how much life really is “out there” and how varied and complex it all is. And how many different consciousnesses are, right now, teeming around, upon and within your planetary sphere. If you could raise your awareness right now and observe your planet from all the various densities of consciousness, you would be staggered to see how many craft of how many types are constantly engaged with earth.

Right from the little tin buggies of the more junior races, though the vast city-sized motherships of the intermediate races, right up to the crystalline and pure-light form entities of the more advanced beings. So many are here that you could scarcely look anywhere without seeing this kind of activity at one density level or another. And as many as are here, there are orders of magnitude more races that would be able to be here but are, quite simply disinterested. They have other business elsewhere and they apparently feel that what transpires here does not directly interest them.

So why can you not see us? Why are we not landing and walking amongst you?

These are valid questions. Let me say that, on the one hand we very much already are here and have landed and are walking amongst you! There are craft and beings upon the planet all the time. But that is not the point of your question, is it? What you want is to SEE us for yourselves and to interact with us. Correct? Well, this too does happen albeit on a very limited scale.

Many see all kinds of things in the skies and KNOW they are seeing an extra-terrestrial craft. Many have had direct interactions with one of a variety of extra-terrestrial beings. But this still does not answer your question. What you actually want is for us to make a dramatic show that is undeniable to all. You are asking us to land and interact with you on a massive scale.

For some obscure reason, more than a few of you seem to want us to land on the Whitehouse lawn. A thought that is more than a little odd. What part of “declaration of war” is not understood by those that wish for us to do so? For certainly, this is how such an action would be perceived! But back to the sponsoring thought of your request for us to appear. You wish us to show ourselves in a way that ALL upon the planet are forced to admit to our existence and in a way that rips apart the tissue of lies that has been told about us.

So why do we not do this?

Let me assure you it is not because we cannot do so! It is because we will not. I will now tell you why. But to do so you are going to have to endure a short lesson in the evolution of galactic civilisation.

(Continued in Part 2 tomorrow.)

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