Mother God:
Thank you dear Meg and my beloved children who listen so intently. Yes, you do have to expand your ability to listen. Open your hearts without judgment, without any temptation to place blame of any kind.
I will try to show you how we made this decision, how we look upon our beloved Sekhmet. Yes, she was created by Father and me to be the bearer, the container of dark energies, and we knew when we created her and offered her this assignment...She was created with the potentials and the abilities, but you know all of you are created with free will. She decided without question that she would accept this mission that has extended beyond time, beyond what we could call years.
Sekhmet has offered herself in love to be the one who would protect all of you, all of us, from the effects of our own Creation. Can you imagine the responsibility she took on? Can you imagine being asked by your mother and father to be the one who would hold together the goodness by allowing and yet surrounding every element of darkness and what you would call evil that might be produced throughout time?
We are beyond grateful for her loving contribution. We cannot express our great love enough for our dear Sekhmet, who has incarnated many times, who has been known as the great lion- headed woman with such intensity and strength that the Sphynx was built in her honor. She has been absolutely true to her agreement, her mission and to her promise that she would contain this darkness.
When we began this, we could not predict the extent to which our beloved humankind might take this project. We knew of your great creativity and we knew it might run far and wide. We knew of the creativity and the power of our other races who became involved in creating darkness and destruction. All of it, all of it was overseen and managed and contained by our beloved Sekhmet.
I pause to allow you to perceive in your hearts what that meant for her, and what it meant for us to send her our love, to embrace her as she went forth to keep her promise to us and to you, for in her heart she knew that you would not have survived had she not offered this tremendous service.
So you see, she is Light. She is Love, and she is the energy of forgiveness. Within her soul she is forgiveness, she is compassion, even as she walked through the darkness in a way that is similar to what she described about Christine - going into the darkness and coming back out, and by doing so, creating a pathway for others. By containing the darkness she has kept the doorways open for those who went into the dark to then return to us. We cannot express our gratitude and our love enough to our dear Sekhmet. She knows we have been there with her every moment.
And so now you have a glimmer of the picture of how darkness began, how it was managed, and how it was indeed a part of the great Creation, a part of our own work. We saw that it was a potential and we permitted it, but we could not allow it without the insurance that it would be contained. This was the mission, the responsibility and the great service of our beloved Sekhmet.
And now you see that all of you are taking her invitation to come through the portal she created for you, so that you can all leave behind this darkness, destructiveness and confusion that you have all lived through. I encourage you, I urge you, to take our beloved Sekhmet's invitation and walk the path she has created for you out of the darkness and into the Light, as the beautiful song you heard describe in the beginning of our program. Our beloved Sekhmet is here with us to welcome every one of you.
It is as if she is giving birth to all of you, birthing you into the Light after this long and in some ways terrible experiment that you all enthusiastically embraced. And now it is time for all of you to be free. As you free yourselves, you also free Sekhmet, who is now breathing deeply, looking forward to the time when all who have walked that path into darkness will turn and come back into the Light and into our loving arms.
We thank our dear Sekhmet for her long, long service and for your willingness to experience the unexplainable, even the unforgivable, and to come back to us whole, healed in the Light, and as you do that, our beloved Sekhmet does the same. She heals along with you. With every one who comes into the Light, her burden is diminished and her joy increases.
It is like birth, a new birth for your planet, for humankind and for all your brothers and sisters who witness this remarkable, glorious triumph of Love and will, kindness, compassion and companionship. Our hearts are one as we embrace all of you.
We embrace our beloved Sekhmet and you within her arms. We are so grateful that this time, this period of darkness is now coming to an end on your beautiful Planet Earth. You may be seeing now why we feel such joy, such triumph, such gratitude to all of you who have not only taken part in this experiment where you walked into the unknown beyond Creation, but to your courage, your heart that allowed you to come back us, to your Mother and Father. We welcome you all with open arms.
What a day it is; what a time it is. Yes, there on earth you do still experience time, and it is lovely to say the time of darkness and suffering is gone; it is over. And now it is time for all of you to give new birth to the love within yourselves as Sekhmet does for you.
This is why we call her Mother Sekhmet. She has been your protector, the one who enabled you to take this plunge into the unknown, and like a good mother, she watched over you, and now she celebrates your expansion, your great development, your expansion into mastery and deep love.
We embrace you all. I am your Mother, your Mother God, and I love you without end. Blessings, my beloved ones, blessings to every one of you. Namaste.
(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 6 -7 February 2016)
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