Hello, dear ones.
I speak to you. It is to you I speak. Directly to you who abide in My heart. That is to say all of you, the Oneness I carry in My heart.
Creation is the treasure of My heart. You are the exudation of My love. I exuded you from My breath. I breathed out. I breathed you. You are the breath of My love.
My happiness overflowed into a joy you would call merriment. My happiness overflowed into a joy you would call laughter. From My peals of laughter, you came, full-blown across the universe.
My merriment never stopped.
You are My joy. You are My perpetual joy. Yet you have clung to wild ideas. You are more than a meteor on earth. You are a live thing. You are My liveliness on earth, and you have thought you were a shard of something a little shady or off-kilter.
You are My resonance.
You are My hum. What I hum continues. It never stops. It reaches everywhere, this tune of you I hum. I hum without cease. I do not draw a breath, so there is no pause. You are My exhale, so My hum is a reverberation of you. You are My hum continued.
My thought was expressed in an exhale. My thought was expressed in a sound. I expressed you.
From My breath I created you. From the waters of the sea I created you. From My hands expressed in adoration, I created you. From Heaven I carried you in My arms to earth. I placed you carefully as a tender vine, and I stayed ever with you, and I delight in My continuance that you are.
I watch you with eyes of love as you weave through the universe. You are learning to walk, and for Me to see you take steps gives Me great joy. No matter that you fall, I pick you up, and We continue.
I profess My love for you today. I profess what is already expressed. My profession is My love for you who are My expression.
Notes of My song are you played across the universe. You are a trill of music. A note escalates out, yet it has come from My mouth from My heart from My breath, and it continues to issue from Me. I hold My notes.
You are My wand that I hold. I wave you across the universe. My hand is steady. I wave you in an arc like a rainbow across the Heavens.
You are My light on earth. I wave you, and My light sparks from you. You are a light display, far greater than any you have observed. The stars are a whisper of you. They betoken who you are, for My notes sprang into stars so that you may behold yourself sparkling in the sky.
If you are My reflection, and the stars are My reflection, who are you but the stars. My knowledge is reflected in the sky. Now you see them, and now you don't, but the stars rise high and light the universe with My light. Seen or unseen, they light. You know that the sun, moon, and stars are constant. Clouds may cover the great lights, but they never disappear.
And so are you a constant. Your apparent wandering is only your finding your way back to your consciousness of Me.
You are My love song, and I sing of My love for you today. I sing it every day, but today I have My love for you applied to paper so that you may hold it up to yourself and listen to My love vibrating through you.
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