The light of God is upon you. What else could it be? What else is there?
If your eyes are unclear, they see distorted.
Anything less than My pure light is distortion of it.
It comes down to that: you have been seeing amiss.
See more with your heart. That does not mean sentiment. It means clarity.
Sight goes farther than your eyes can see.
And sight is closer than your eyes can see.
Sight is within you.
If it is too hard for you to see Me, then let Me see you. Hide not your face, not from Me nor from the world. Let Me see you revealing Me.
How will you reveal Me right now? I speak of now and not the future.
And yet your revealment of Me does not have to be conscious, for you have revealed Me in the past. You have been revealing Me right along.
You know that there have been moments of exquisite Oneness or Givingness, when you saw or did something that was more wonderful than you knew at the time. You were revealing Me. You knew more than you knew.
And today you continue to know more than you know.
Let knowledge of Me be elusive, and the revealing of Me immediate.
Take the cap off.
You are not in a bramble of thorns. You are in a clearing. Be seen. The more you reveal yourself, the more you reveal Me to the world, and you reveal Me to yourself.
Remove those false layers of yourself, and I am revealed.
Be of good cheer.
Be of merriment.
Be not so serious that you forget Me. Do not make your own purposes grander than Mine. Let your kite fly, and know it flies Heavenward. You do not have to hold on tight in order for it to fly. You loosen your hold, and it flies.
And what is joy but loosening your hold?
Hold tight to nothing.
Let down the bars. Unyoke yourself.
Part the sheaves of wheat, and appear.
Pass through. Come out. Leap into the sun.
Call down Heaven to you. It awaits for your call. It has been waiting. Or bring earth to Heaven. Rise from where you are.
Forget the spectacular. It is not spectacular to rise to Heaven. It is the natural thing. Consider it common.
When the Human soul rises to its rightful stature, when it puts its shoulders back and steps forward, it brings everyone a step higher. You do not know which step you are on. You may be on the top one. No matter how far away it may seem, you could be there. You are there, but you do not know. You cannot know.
There is gestation, and then there is birth. There is climb, and then there is arrival.
You are right before Me now.
In truth, there never was a first step, and there isn't a last. There are no steps at all. There is you, and there is I, and We are Oneness supreme. Your thoughts have wandered, that's all. The shepherd and his flock are One. Therefore, there is no flock. Anything other than Oneness is imagined. Flock is a metaphor for your wandering thoughts. Call them Home.
You walk around, and then you come back.
You tie the sheaves of wheat.
You gather your flock.
You gather yourself.
In gathering, you ungather. There was no gathering to do. Only symbolically can you gather what has never been apart. But in Human life, you go about the acts of gathering and calling yourself to you. Garner yourself. Enjoy the play of your destiny with Me.
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