Monday, February 3, 2025

The Greater Horizon - Heavenletter #394

God said:

You never know what is going to happen.

You do not know what is right under your feet.

You have to remember that what happens is not the measure of your life.

There are two ways for you to go, and you have to go both. 1. Nothing is important. 2. Everything is important.

What is the importance of all that you think important? What color your shoelaces are. The view from your window. A noise down the street.

And yet these matters have a duty of importance. They are not the making of you, yet they matter in the play you are enrolled in.

The little nonessential things matter. Tying someone's shoe lace for them. Picking up a piece of paper from the ground. Answering the cry of a little kitten. All immeasurably important, and important to your place in the scheme of things. The life around you is a drawing you make. And you have to have caring.

Little things can make divine experiences. Everything on earth comes from the Divine. Divine experience is going on around you all the time. Consider the little things as essential parts of creation.

Yet, it is also true that you have to philosophically shrug your shoulders at what surrounds you, be it pleasant or unpleasant to you, orderly or disorderly. You walk in a larger plain than a particular spot. The particular spot has importance, but it is not all-important, and sometimes you have to walk above the circumference.

It is necessary to lean towards a greater sphere and come out of the mundane.

The details of life are an expression. They are an expression of something. Where the expression comes from matters more than the result. The power of the expression is not in the result. It is in the expresser and the expressing. The actual expression is more like a period at the end of a sentence. It serves its purpose, but it is not the main thing. The period is a signal of more to come. It is not usually the finality it likes to think it is.

You express more than yourself and more than from yourself.

You operate from a grander platform.

There is a grand Diviner, and He wants His grandness expressed. He knows of what you are capable. You are capable of picking up a piece of paper, and you are capable of reaching the stars. He knows the extent of you.

Be capable of the little things, but don't forget the larger. Your life is a screen on a screen on a screen. The filaments of your life reach unseen filaments of others' lives and other dimensions of life. The stage you are on looks small, but it is not confined.

So I am telling you that the tiny is important while it is not important. I am telling you that there is a vastness far greater than the stage before you. And from vastness, direction comes.

The exigencies of the world are the exigencies of the world. The world as manifested is on one level, be it in the corner of your house or a corner of the world. The world of man is not bigger than the world of you, yet each is a spin-off of the other.

Everything in the drama before you matters immeasurably, and yet it doesn't matter at all. It is a snap of fingers, no more. Pay attention to it, while you give it no mind. That is your task. Now call to the greater horizon, and you will see it.

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