Sunday, February 16, 2025

The Blessing of Love - Heavenletter #406

God said:

You are the touch of Heaven. You are the allower of it. You are the tribute to it and the beneficiary. Heaven exists in your heart. You harbor it, and it is you who must release it.

You wait for Me. I wait for no man, but I gave you free will, and so I let you exercise it. Exercise your free will. Use it. It is for you to use. I did not give it to you to keep in reserve.

You have copied many things in life. You have copied error, a form of untruthfulness. Now copy Me. If you feel you must copy, copy the Highest. Raise the glass of yourself high and toast the universe with it. Stand up. Speak up. Find your free will.

No man is a servant to another except as he considers himself. You are a slave only to habit of thought.

You have the free will to consider yourself an emissary from Me. You are an emissary of Me, an agent of love. So be it.

You are the yeast of love.

You are what love is made of.

You are the igniter of it.

You hunt for love everywhere. It is true that love abides everywhere, but you are the giver, not the hunter.

I endowed the universe with love, and I endowed it with you. I said to all men: "Go to Earth and represent Me. Become a confederation in My Name. Uphold the tradition and value of love. Let My love pour from you."

Perhaps you did not hear Me right. Somehow you tended to believe that love was something to conserve or mark off, to limit to a certain dosage or recipient dependent upon something given to you. You became a pharmacy of love and required prescriptions for that which requires nothing but itself.

Love engenders itself. It needs no starter. It is already started. It is already rolling. My love not only rolls upon the terrain of life; it is the terrain of life. Have you not noticed?

And what is consciousness but love knowing itself?

And what are you but consciousness knowing itself?

So what are you but love let loose upon the earth?

My love is rampant upon the earth. Often you look for disproof of that. You point to the infractions of love, more often than to the incursions of it.

Look to the spillage of love. Look at all the doors from which it pours.

Put an X of love on your door.

If you feel you cannot muster love, then muster peace. Put an X for peace on your door.

If you cannot muster peace, put an X for quietude.

Put an X for possibility.

Put an X for a congregation of hearts.

You fear to open your heart. You fear that your heart will be turned away, and so meanwhile you turn away love sent to you. You play hot potato with love. You somehow feel that you own love and that more of it is obliged to come to you. Or you feel that love does not belong in your heart at all, when it is all that does.

Your name is Love. It is not Love Sometime. It is Love Now. First and last, your name is Love.

Cast doubt from your eye. What is doubt but blindness? What is doubt but avoidance of love? Doubt no longer. Avoid no longer.

You are a proponent of love. Therefore, you must propose it. You must presuppose it, or you will wait away a lifetime. You will whittle away at love when yours is not to whittle but to multiply.

If one inch of love is given to you, return two. Remember the Source and the Goal of love, for they lie within you to enjoin. There is no limit to the love you are. There is no limit to what you can do for Me. Start in your heart today to expand the blessing of life upon earth.

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