Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Sophia ~ The Current Chaos & Our Collective Power - February 4, 2025


by Sophia Love, January 3, 2025,

View on Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/4vpuxfya

Happy February! Here’s a conversation with One that took place this past weekend. So much came in with this. Some of the initial images reminded me of Ancient Egypt, and earlier. I wasn’t told a specific location, yet it reminded me of that period.

It is the One.

Thank you.

You have questions.

Yes. I wonder about these air disasters. I wonder about our collective power. I wonder about the acceleration we feel in almost every part of life.

Let us speak about the time you are living, for it is at the cause of every one of your wonderings.

Acceleration is a well-chosen term. Each part of your life accelerates, and there will be no part untouched.

Humanity chooses a “quick” Ascension. This was expected, yet the fallout was not. The quickening shows up in all things human. Once a choice is made it manifests at breakneck speed. This is due to both the choice and the energetic in which it is made.

We will explain so that comprehension occurs.

I am receiving it all at once. It is coming in completely formed.

Yes. Would you talk about what you see?

I’ll try. What I see goes back to the beginning.

The controllers who ran the Earth had to follow a method. First, there was exposure to what they wanted. This had to be maintained so that there was belief. Belief on our part. We had to believe that this reality they presented was the only “real” one.

Belief often accompanied fear. Humanity followed “orders” and “rules” and belief systems out of fear.

These controllers were brutal. They used the moniker of religion to cover a multitude of sins. Human sacrifice was built into the system from the start.

Systems, rules, and obedience created a world of “order,” more or less. The controllers kept that order in place with fear.

Go on.

There is so much coming in…

This concerns creation, which has been on my mind lately.

The controllers understand the “genie in the bottle.” It is us. Our thoughts and beliefs are creative. It is why they only need to create the culture. They did not have to physically enslave all of us to get us to do what they wanted. We’d do whatever we believed was “right.”

We learned what was “right” from them, from their control systems. They “taught” us to follow their rules in order to “win” the prizes they told us we should want.

Manifesting was not magic (according to them). It was the result of hard work, dedication, and following very specific steps. These steps followed rules and institutions. Rules and institutions that were put in place by them.

So, we did [follow those steps], and we’d see our dreams pop into our reality after a good deal of “time” passed. Creation was slow.

In the current energy, it’s not slow. The reasons for that are many, yet at the top of that list would be that the controllers have lost control. In these last five years, we’ve all seen the “Naked Emperor.”  We have noticed the lie.

This did something to our creative juices. We no longer follow any specific rules. The controllers have lost their stranglehold on the race, and we’re sort of running wild.

This means our thoughts are all over the place, and there is a good deal of scrambling. All of us are reaching for something, without looking for the control systems to give it to us or tell us what it should be.

This consciousness rising is turning the tide in our reality. Creation feels instantaneous. We see synchronicities everywhere.

We are also talking about them online and verbally. There is so much power in our collective creative ability.

This is what the control systems have attempted to harness for their own benefit for generations. We haven’t fully accepted responsibility for this yet, and so it feels as if no one is in control.

It looks that way too. There is so much blame. There is also unfocused fear. All of this is powerfully creative.

Yes. What occurs for the race now is a reset. This feels turbulent and unleashed. It feels as if creation is out of control. Until mankind accepts responsibility for its participation, it will continue to feel haphazard and potentially deadly.

Life is meant to be experienced “full-on.”  Where that “full-on” is focused determines the course your life takes.

Until recently, man has looked to “authority” for methods, rules, and benefits. This is a dismantling. We’ve said this before, yet you are in the middle of it now. As your world lets go and rebuilds, there will be disruption.

This is not to say that no one is to blame for events. It is to point out that you all have a part in their creation.

What you witness now is an amplification of your power.

You are here to learn how to harness and utilize your creative potential. It is time to take your head out of the basket and share what you know:

  • Believe.
  • Intend.
  • Expect.
  • Create.

In no time before this have your thoughts been so supported by the field in which they exist. You are accomplishing this shift on your own. So many souls wanted to be here for this.

You are.

Step into your power and create. The force in place to stop you is being removed. There is nothing in your way that will prevent you from accomplishing what it is you intend to accomplish.

You are love in human form, and by enclosing your creative power with compassion, your world shifts. What you are doing has never been done here. You are in for such a treat.

Thank you.


Have a beautiful day!

With love and light,


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