Thursday, February 20, 2025

God's Wondrousness - Heavenletter #410


God said:

You are amazed at My wondrousness, aren't you?

You are amazed that I am, and that I speak, and that I speak to you.

Be equally amazed that you are, that you speak, and that you speak to Me.

Be amazed at what I have created, for I am the Creator of you.

You are an amazing being.

You are no less than the stars and the sun and the moon. You are My magnificent creation. You are Myself elongated to the world. You are My arms stretched out to cover the universe. You are My speech personified. The Human being is a language of Mine. You are the utterance of My voice. You are the dance of My hands. You are the waft of My breath. You are My sight on earth. You are My delight.

You are the sparkles from the wand of My love. You are the starlight alit to earth. You are the star of My heart.

You are My beloved.

What do you seek?

Be not diverted from what you seek.

Your heart does not seek diversion.

It seeks Reality.

Your heart is Homeward bound.

It is not that you want one thing at a time. You want everything all at once, for you know that eternity and universality exist, and that they are yours. Deep down, you know that you are the whole. You know you are not a shard of life but the entire wholeness of it. It is not that a portion of the universe is yours. It is all yours. You are not sectioned off. There are no reserved seats. It is all for you. All of My creation is for you. Think of that. All that was created before you was created for you. But there was no before you. You created the created with Me. You were present at its inception. You are its inception.

You are My great miracle.

I created, and I saw it was beautiful.

Why don't you see as I do? Why do you see differently? Who taught you to see less than I do? Why do you not see for yourself? I offer you My eyes to see with.

Sometimes you remind Me of the child who wants a big piece of cake but reservedly, politely, accepts only a small one. From some sense of what do My children do that? Whom is the universe for if not for you? Why was it created? What was it meant to do?

You are not an interloper on earth. You are a named visitor. You were expected. You are an honored guest. You came at My behest. You came willingly. Do not balk now.

There is a huge buffet table of life. You walk around the table, and the table revolves and offers you its many delights. So much to choose from. Taste all.

Do not be a withholder of life. Do not hold your hand back. Reach out, palm up or palm down, it doesn't matter. The form doesn't matter. The reaching out does. Reach out to the universe that houses you.

You are My guest on earth. I invited you, and you accepted. You are My counterpart on earth, for I invited Myself to the feast. I am the Feast, and I am the Server of it, and I am all the Guests. There is not one of you that I am not. You are all One with Me. You are My Oneness on earth.

You speak for Me. You move for Me. You are the seeder of My love on earth. You are not the grabber of it. You who have all have nothing to grab. You have only to give. Give yourself Me. Give Me you. Know that We are One huge united Self on earth and in Heaven, and We are here for the joy of it.

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