by Linda Dillon
HEART CALL ~ January 2025
Divine Mother’s New Year 2025 Message ~ From Hope To Action!
“Yes, for 2025, my theme of Unity continues. In fact, it is a theme of Unity and Hope and Action!”
Greetings, I am Mary, I am Maré, I am Mother, I am One, I am All, I am Mother of Change and Mother of Completion, and everything else in between, and my promise to you does not change. There have been an infinite number of frequency adjustments, of resets, throughout our infinite and eternal and constantly changing Multiverse/Omniverse/Universe, and the biggest aspect, sweet Angels of Light… the biggest aspect of those changes is you!
Of course I hear your hearts. Of course I hear your chatter of the mind. I hear your laughter and I hear your tears as they gently fall in joy and sorrow and frustration. How could I not? I am not a distant Mother in some Galaxy far away. I am not even in the next room. I am sitting right next to you and I am embracing you because, during this time of transition, that is what a Mother does.
Long ago, and repeatedly, I have said to thee that my promise of fulfilment and the promise of fulfilment with Gaia does not go forward without you. You are a key component, yes, in Unity and Harmony with everything and everybody else.
Yes, for 2025, my theme of Unity continues. In fact, it is a theme of Unity and Hope and Action!
So many times you turn to me and say, “Mother, when? When and how?” And so I say unto you, my powerful angels in form, “When and how?”
This frequency attunement, this adjustment, this reset is simply to allow greater fluidity, and the portals are open that you may step forward in vigour, in confidence, in laughter, in play. I did not create and Gaia did not volunteer to be this planet as a planet of sorrow, of hardship, of war, of violence, of abuse. No. That has been… oh, far more than a scenic detour, it has been an abomination… and it will not continue!
Yes, there are lessons learned when one travels collectively or individually into the darkness. But the only reason you go into the darkness is to discover the light, to discover the magnificence, the radiance of all the rays, all the colours, of All, and of all of you!
You say to me, and certainly this channel has repeatedly asked [chuckling], “Why is Unity so important, so necessary?” It is certainly not in any way to diminish the beauty, the sovereignty, the free will, the power of who you are, each and every being, including your Star Family on the ground and hovering above, patiently, patiently waiting.
It cannot be done without the assumption of your authority, but more than that, your deepest, passionate heart’s desire – the heart desire to know, to be, to experience, to express freely, unreservedly, Love. And that has not been the case upon Gaia.
And yes, there are times – as each of you knows in your own relationships, your own families, your own communities – when you let things unfold, even when it seems they are going awry, because it is an experience. And then there is a time when you say, “Stop!” because you think the people arguing or disagreeing or in conflict are going to kill one another! And it has been happening far too frequently.
I do not come this day in the sphere of Unity to talk about that. I come to talk about freedom. You say, “Well, we have to change the mindset.” No. We have to change and alter… you/we/all… change the heartset! The Nova is Heart Consciousness. It is an awareness, it is a living, and it is a valuing of the importance of Love in all its wonderful array of expressions.
It has never been and it will never be a competition. That is why I say unto you: Unity comes from the grassroots. It comes, beloveds, from each and every one of you! It does not come from some authority dictating what shall be. Oh, that is fine for organising traffic lights, but it is not a way to organise a Planet of Love!
And in that Unity is the neutrality. It is not abolishing discernment, particularly as you are in this ‘brackets of shift’. But it does not make you the authority to judge another in either the small or the most large ways. The only litmus test is within you… AND… Is it of Love?
I have repeated this again and again, and it is very simple, but you don’t always do it to yourself. So when you look at another and say, “That is repulsive, that is wrong, that is disgusting,” is that of Love? And when you find yourself having these emotional outbursts, do you look in the mirror and do you see Love? Because that is what you are. It is the beginning, the middle, and the end.
How could you possibly have come from the Father and I and not be of Love? There is only one Omniverse… and yes, there are many, many, many, many, many Universes… and they are united in Unity with All.
I do not stop creating, I do not stop dreaming because something feels a little off or incomplete. No. I continue on. And that is what I am doing with this Universe, with Gaia – with her, not to her – and with each and every one of you.
Unity is important because unless you come to that place of deep, profound love and acceptance, embrace of your sacred self… that is the number one purpose of Unity… unless you are there in Truth, in the magnificence of what I design, you cannot be in Unity with one another.
Unity does not mean also knowing the private details of every other person. No. You are in Unity not only with the billions you have not met but with the multitude of all planetary systems, all Galaxies. There is no separation.
Now, I need to be clear. My Reset – this frequency attunement that I have been doing with you for decades and decades and decades – is neither a reward nor a punishment. Because in your societies and in the way many of you have been raised/influenced, you have thought: “Oh, I am getting this because I was good,” or “I’m not getting this because I misbehaved.” That is not the case. It is simply what you are ready for.
If you go to grade school, can read, do mathematics and pass with flying colours, you do not stay in that grade forever. And even if you fail, you still do not stay in that grade forever! [Chuckling]
Time… and yes, I am revisiting ‘time’… time is a frequency. If you say to me, “Mother, I don’t quite understand this frequency business,” they are waves, frequencies. Time is a wave that I have expanded as a gift to you because, so often, you have turned to me in genuine upset and said, “You know, I really meant to do that, but I didn’t have time.” So I have given you more time. I have given you a 36-hour day, and you are as busy and feeling as short-changed as ever! [Laughing]
Think of it in this way. You have always had… the construct of this place has always been a 7-day week… and yet many of you for years spoke of “a 5-day week” because that was your work week. That is absurd. It is not allowing for the spaciousness, the beauty, not only of who you are but of what you get to experience – and more importantly even than that, how they get to experience you!
So when you are too busy running, you are saying to the flowers, the trees, the Rocky Mountains, the oceans, the seas, and your best friend, “I’m sorry, I don’t have time for you.” And do you know what? That is also saying you do not have time for me! So I am standing here waiting, saying, “All right!” It is understood.
But you have passed all of those markers, all of those grades. I have invited you, I am inviting you now, again and again, to be the multidimensional beings that you are.
Unfurl those wings and enJOY them! Joy is the expression of Love, as is Gratitude!
We are uplifting, together, your entire planet. In fact, the entire planet, other than the human collective, is already there and they have been for some time. So let us eliminate the discussions of ‘time’: not enough time, too much time, how long is it going to take? Let us eliminate: What dimension are we in? Are we in 3.2 or 8.7? No!
This is your home. This is the home that Gaia not only has created with and for you; it is the home for this lifetime that you bright angels, my family, said, “Alright, I will go. I will go, and I will live there, and I will thrive. I will create. I will laugh and play.” You didn’t say, “I will go and suffer.” There has been enough suffering. There has been enough pain. And do not think that I do not know this or experience this, for when you suffer, we suffer.
Why the veil has been removed is so that when WE are in Love and Joy, YOU will be in Love and Joy! That is what this Reset is about. It is a higher, more clarified attunement so that you can access the Godhead, the Everything, and that you can come home while being on Earth.
Now, why do I match… and yes, we have spoken of the frequency attunement… [Linda coughing] I explode in her throat! [Chuckling]
Hope is part of The Beginning* [link below] that I have spoken of, that Maitreya has spoken of to you. Hope is not simply an empty wishing. It is alignment with the Divine Plan, with the divine energies, with your divinity, our divinity, the divinity of all the Legions.
Michael has pierced the veil** [link below], so there is no separation. And so it is the knowing and the observing the readiness to move – and not only as you wish, but as you are inspired. Inspiration is akin to Hope, as is Trust.
The completion of this shift does not occur in the fullness of your time, and certainly not in mine, which is infinite and instant. It doesn’t occur unless you are ready to move from Hope to Action!
Many times – and this is not a critique – you have been waiting; you have been waiting for the ‘GO’ sign. Well, I am giving you the ‘GO’ sign! And let me be very clear. It is different for each and every one of you. That is the beauty of who you are. Your fulfilment, your actions, are different – and they need to be. This is a very large planet, and there is a very large collective, and it is growing [chuckling] – yes, with the presence of your Star Family who have already been invited and are establishing themselves.
So you need – yes, need – for your sake, and for each other, and certainly for the fulfilment, to take action! Why? Because I wanted it, I dreamt it… yes, that is so… but that is not the ‘why’; the ‘why’ is you, your fulfilment!
Now, I am not suggesting that each and every one of you bright angels has not been taking action. But now I am saying, “Let us expand this, let us grow this, let us make it more fun!” because much of you have felt like you have been sludging through cement, “I will do it, I will do it, Mother.”
I want you to tap dance across the sky with me! Tango if you please! Cartwheel if you must! But let us do it!
And you say, “Well, what is Inspiration? Is it the voice I hear in my head?” Yes! “Is it the voice you hear in your heart?” Most certainly! But it is also, “You know, I think I should just go there and have a look around.” And maybe it’s an empty park, so you think! You are polishing the grid. You are saying to the devas and the rocks and the trees, “I am here and I am with you.” That is what Union is!
And they help you! What you do not fully comprehend, unless you are in a serene state, is that ‘GO’ when you are flustered and upset, because they help you! Angels come in many, many forms – and do not think they cannot assume the form of a babbling brook or a mighty mountain; they do! I do not have class preferences about who can do what, and neither do you.
Now, I understand many of you have said, “I am so tired.” This channel has made a joke of it at the beginning. The tiredness is from the waiting. So come! Come and let us begin the action!
And do not… do not let me give you the impression that these actions are always taken in a solitary manner. Unity is actually cohesive. Community is cohesive with all different kinds of beings.
One of the reasons why your Star Family has not made themselves abundantly obvious is because humans have still been getting into the process of accepting one another without discord. And that, my friends, is grassroots. That is coming from the bottom up. A fire does not start ‘up here’. You lay it, you get the fodder, you get the kindling, and then you light it – and it comes from the bottom up.
And that is what you are doing within your own heart, your own beautiful Tri-Flame, your beautiful Pink Diamond Self. It is coming up and it is going down because Gaia’s flame is coming up; the dirt, the soil, the minerals are coming up. It is all supporting you, as we are, and the time is now.
So I extend this theme of Unity for completion – not beginning – because you have done incredible work. You have prepared the way. You have not only tilled the soil and planted the seeds. You are watching the blossoming, the incredible beauty, not only of what is to come but what is.
As your Mother, I cannot even express how proud I am of you. So often, you have thought in terms of this as pass or fail, reward or punishment. You have endured, and even in that endurance, you have blossomed. In many climates, you see the snowdrops coming up in spring, the daffodils pushing upwards, knowing, in the cycle and frequencies of time, it is time. And that is you!
So I say unto you, “You do not need, you are not ever required, to hold those judgments of good/bad/indifferent.” It is not a form of denial, “Oh, everything’s good.”
No! It is creating “Everything is good!’” and you are entrusted with that. You are entrusted with that because I know and you know that you can – and you will – and you are doing it!
So, will there be some rough water? Yes. You are excellent navigators, and your ship is hearty and safe, so when you see those rough waters, look at it and say, “Oh, that’s great, because that means the old is being cleared out!” And then, when you see the peace, you also know, “Here we go!”
And here I am, and here we ALL are, with you, blessed ones. With you!
Now, I step aside briefly, but I also tell you – yes, as the Mother that loves you more than you can fathom; with the Father that loves you more than you can fathom; with the Mighty Ones who accompany you and love you more than you can fathom – we support you, we act with you, and we bow to you.
When we speak again this way in 2026, you will be laughing! You will say, “Well, that was quite a ride,” and you will get off the rollercoaster, and then you will say, “Let’s go again!” because you are adventurers, you are wayshowers, you are creators, and you are mine!
Go with my love.
* Lord Maitreya ~ The Gift of the New Beginning
**Archangel Michael ~ Piercing the Veil
Channelled by Linda Dillon, 4 January 2025
Transcribed by Ellen Nairn
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