Sunday, February 16, 2025

AA Gabrielle: Dissolving Beliefs - February 15, 2025


by Lee Degani

Recently I attended a week long workshop for adults, Vision without Eyes. It was an incredible experience in so many arenas!

When my husband and I first began working with children with this modality back in 2017, we were on our own with no one to confer with or exchange ideas. I understood later it was so we could be guided by the Council of Love to develop our own unique program with no outside influences. And thus the Infinite Child Institute was born where children would learn to activate their Infinite Light Vision. But even with the children being our barometers of what was working and what wasn’t, it was pretty lonely and frustrating at times to not have colleagues in the field.

During the workshop, we had three blind people attend. I had the blessing of working with a man who has been blind since birth and was able to begin to see lines of letters. A few years ago, I worked with a blind child who was able to begin seeing with her Infinite Light Vision and had so many amazing transformative shifts because of it! Although I was already seeing with my ILV at a certain level, during the workshop I was able to get to the next level which is so exciting! And yes, transformative!

The current themes being brought forth by the Council of Love are Dissolving leading to Clarity leading to Joy. This is exactly what I experienced during the workshop for we had to continually dissolve any beliefs not in alignment with being able to see without our physical eyes. When that moment of first being able to see would come, it brought a level of clarity far beyond just seeing clearly that filled each of us with the utmost Joy!

The day after the workshop ended, I filled in for my dear friend, Linda Dillon, by facilitating a Heart Call with the Council of Love. AAGabrielle came forth to help us all with Dissolving leading to Clarity leading to Joy!


AAGabrielle: Dissolving Beliefs 

“Greetings, I am AAGabrielle, Lily of Love, Trumpeter of Truth, Angel of Joy, Angel of Communication. And what do I come to communicate with you today, beloveds? That you have the divine right, the ability, to yes, dissolve. Now it does not matter what you use to dissolve it. It does not matter if you use a thought or a song, or a word or a meditation or a prayer. What matters is that you have the secret ingredient and that secret ingredient is Love.

Yes, the channel learned some people call that being in the right brain, but we know what that ingredient is. Now you know that I often bring you my golden bubbles of Joy. What is their essence? Their essence is of Love, the energy of Love and Love has many facets, many faces. Joy is one of them.

And how do you see? How do you see when this is dissolved? Yes, you could perhaps see through a blindfold and it becomes clear but you see with your heart and that is the answer to all. And you say AAGabrielle, but I have doubts, I have doubts that I can do this. I follow all of the instructions and I follow the meditations and I fear. I fear that it’s not going to really happen, that I won’t really heal. I mean, I am trying. And I have the worries that come.

Yes, beloveds, you are humans. These are actually wonderful things to have. Why? Because they let you know that all you need to do is to observe them. They are just like little lost children that have been hiding because they think that no one will love them. No one will accept them. But if you will accept that they are there and thank them for letting you know they are there, they will start to creep out like the little children they are and look around and say, okay, we are ready for the next step. And as they leave, joyfully, you may feel a little opening. You may feel that something has been dissolved. The dissolving has allowed for those little children to know where they must go next. And now you are even more open and may see more clearly of where you may go next. Ahh, we understand. We understand that you try and that you cry out.

But let us go now and let us drink some more water for this time I am going to put it and infuse it with my golden bubbles of Joy. And of course as Angel of Joy, I do delight in finding humor and I really liked that with the pop pop fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is. So let my bubbles infuse you now! Pop, pop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is! Pop, pop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is!

Now what else, beloveds would you like to have relief from? It is as simple as this. It is grasping onto that Love that we give to all of you. You may think of birthdays, you may think of climbing mountains. You may think of those you love. You may think of happy memories, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you find the source of communication which is your heart.

Now many of you have asked, Gavriel, how do I communicate this to others? And the answer always beloved, is to do so from that place in your heart. To never try to convince for then the fears and doubts will come again, but to just be a model.

And sometimes words do not need to be spoken. But I would suggest that if you have someone that perhaps is pressing your buttons a little bit or is suffering and you wish to bring that help, not only for you but for that one, that you also just ask that either the candy heart or my bubbles of Joy are put into the water. And drink it knowing that your loved one will also benefit, that any discord with another or those in not honoring who you are, that will also be dissolved and you will be able to see clearly who each other is.

So I leave you with these thoughts for we in the Council of Love, we see you clearly. And our wish for you, our work with you which is a work of Joy, that you also see clearly. Farewell.”

Love, Lee

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