Tuesday, November 24, 2020

When You Give Love


Heavenletter #433 

God said:

You think that when you give love, you have given something away. You think (mistakenly) that love belongs in a place, here and not there, or there and not here. But it is not yours to pick and choose where your love goes. Yours is to give love.

We are not talking amorous love. We are talking love. Love greater than personal, love impersonal that goes out to everyone you meet or think of. This is not a heavy-duty charge I give you. It is easy. You don't have to make decisions any longer. You don't have to decide that this one is someone you can give love to and that one is not. The decision is already made. You give love to all.

You give them awareness of themselves. What is love but that?

You do not have to go out of your way to give love to everyone everywhere. You just have to stop thinking that love is rationed and that you can give it only to those you deem worthy, as if they have to earn your love, merit it in some way, by appearance or status or something else irrelevant.

If all are My children, all are My children, and all already merit My love through you.

Be sure you know that I am not talking gushing of love or superimposing of it or pretense of it. You do not become a Lady Bountiful or someone blazoning Love in capital letters. You are an unassuming giver of love, perhaps a quiet passer of it, a steady passer of it. No matter what crowd you pass through, you are walking love through it.

It is said that it is wise to give anonymously, and that means without ego. It is not yourself you are to bolster with dispensation of love. You do not need the credit. Nor is it the other you are to bolster. We are talking about telling the truth, and the truth is that all are love, and, in passing, you give a hint of that.

To each child of Mine, you stop giving attention to what they are not. You bring your attention to what they are, and you leave a glimpse of that. You leave your eyesight, that is all.

If giving love is hard work for you, then pause, because you are giving something else. Giving love is the easiest thing in the world. If loving Humankind is too hard for you right now, then go into the woods and love the trees and their foliage. Or love the sidewalk and the bricks of buildings. Love the love that went into making something concrete. Then begin to love those who have preceded you on this selfsame sidewalk, and then you will find that you see something beautiful in those who accompany you now.

Love is seeing, do you see that now? If you have grapes, it is easy to give some. If you do not have grapes, it would take effort to find some and return with them. So you give now. And so you give now what you have, and what you have is a lighted awareness to give.

You will find many opportunities to give.

It is not unselfish to give. It is yourself you give to. You give yourself to yourself. You acknowledge the presence of each being on earth. You let people know that they have been seen, that you have seen them. You know they are there. And you know they have the right to exist wherever they are, and you pass that on. It is a kind of reverence for life that you give.

Each person you meet, each person who calls you, each person who begs, each person who brings you a gift, each person who cries, each person who laughs, who scoffs, each person, no matter what they are, is seeking to know Me through you. That is in truth why they cross your path. They are looking for Me. And you acknowledge their quest with a gaze that says, "Yes, I know why you are here. You are to remind me of God too."

It is symbolic that Christ loved lepers. He did not love leprosy. He loved the God beings who walked around with the appearance of imperfection. Now, you, too, let the appearance of imperfection remind you of Truth. See the light that shines through all.

I exist in people you call crazy too. Let them know that I exist in them. See beyond their craziness, and then it will leave. Their perception will clear because yours is clearer. Do not emphasize past gulps of vision. Past categorizing is to be left in the past. You have gone beyond that.

I have given you new sight so that you may see. And you light the world according to what you see.

See Me.


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