Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Essence of You

Heavenletter #10 

God said:
Not what you want, but what I know.
Not what you crave, but what I give you.
Not what you fear, but what you love.
Look at what I know, what I give you, and what you love.
Then you will know as I do know, and you will give as I do give, and you will know the essence of you which is love unmitigated, love full-blown as it continues to find itself along the way.
Another name for love is acceptance.
Another name for acceptance is seeing.
That is how truth is grasped, by seeing and receiving.
Heretofore, you accepted pain more easily than truth. Can you tell Me that you haven't?
Heretofore, you accepted the immediate more readily than the Immutable Eternal Truth I give.
The mirror you have looked in has been distorted.
Look at Me, and you will see true reflection.
The wavy lines are not truth.
Close your eyes, and see truth.
Close your eyes, and see light.
You are a spark of light.
And you are to ignite other sparks of light.
Ignite them.
Know that you carry the Light so that others may see.
This is no effort.
This is not conscious doing.
This is Being.
A lamp lights.
Souls sparkle on Earth.
There is greatness among you.
There is greatness within you.
Stop blocking it.
Get out of the way of your greatness.
You are like a quarterback who blocks his own team.
He runs everywhere, he knows not where.
He attacks, he blocks, he prevents.
He wears big shoulders.
He acts like a lion, but he is a lamb.
Why do you need to be lions?
Why need you halt your heart?
Merge with truth.
I will help you.
Call on Me to help you know truth, to know it when you see it, and to hold truth and nothing else. Why would you want to hold anything else when you can hold Me?
Hold Me, and you will have everything else.
You know by now that may not mean the riches of the world, those baubles that bob on the top of the ocean, but you will have the ocean and its depth, and its waves will roll and wash over you and leave you leaping up like a dolphin, for your hearts are My dolphins of the deep, and you will want what you have, for I am the treasure you seek.
I play a flute song that only your heart can hear.
The waves of the ocean are in your heart.
The waves of the ocean roll within you.
I flute them into existence.
You are buoyed by the notes of My flute.
That is your foundation.
The music I make.
The solid earth is not your foundation.
What appears solid is fluid.
The fluid is light.
And light leaps on earth.
And fishes fly.
And your hearts comes to Mine.
There is no wilderness.
There are only those who have wandered aimlessly.
Now accept your destination, and your wandering will not be aimless.
Point your heart towards Mine, and you will magnetize others and pull them to Me also.
Be swept up in the Ocean of Love.
That is your medium.
That is your artistry because it is Mine.
Know what you are for.
Know why you do things.
Follow your heart to My door.
It is open.
The sign says, "Come in.
"Heaven is open.
"24 hours a day."
But once inside, there are no days.
There are no nights.
There is only Heaven Itself where time stops and love begins.

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