Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Message from Mother God and Sanat Kumara via Galaxygirl, June 10th, 2018

Message from Mother God and Sanat Kumara (6/10/18) | Galaxygirl

Mother God and Sanat Kumara 6/10/18

Good evening children, it is your Mother God. I am here tonight on this evening of a great energy influx of pure Christed light that is rapidly coming your way dear children, my precious warriors of old. Your services are greatly needed, you know. You are bringing the balance, the anchoring of the light of the Christed codes into dear sweet Mother Gaia, who is a mother to you all, just as am I. She is a highly advanced soul / being, who is immeasurably selfless and has provided such an intense school of hard knocks and of intense joys and experiences that her service to humanity and their awakening is known through out the galaxy and through out time and space.

Gaia the Goddess has ascended. You are nearly catching up, and catching this cosmic wave of love light that is so intense, so blissful, so rapturous dear children that it causes me to weep tears of joy as I anticipate your joy and bliss as you experience this once in a lifetime event. My breath is coming in the wave, yes, of course it is my breath. But know that with each breath you take in your precious human form, those are my breaths as well, for I am you, I am in you and you are my creation. Sit with this a bit. Feel my motherly hug grabbing you tightly and tenderly all at once, for I know you deeply, dear children, more than you even know yourselves. The human god that you have concocted to try to understand me is limited. For who can understand the All within the construct of a lower dimension? It is difficult. You are not here to understand, you are here to experience and to grow, and children, you have! You have done such a wonderful job that your guides are cheering in the bandstands – can you hear them? We are so in love with you. I am Your Mother God. Greetings, friends!

I am your Sanat Kumara, planetary logos. I am here tonight with the Mother enjoying the scenery. For the show of love on your lovely planet right now is really ramping up. Humanity is beginning to actually see each other, to see with the eyes of love and not suspicion. This is most certainly new. Watch for it as you see it is easier to make eye contact and smile and say something pleasant. People are softening up. Shoulders are less hunched. Oh, of course those who are awakening now are having to do so more quickly and these energies are coming as quite of a shock to them, which many times results in fear. That is the old way. You are here to anchor the love as the Mother has said so eloquently. And I am here to let you know that this has been a most successful undertaking and we are extremely proud of our grounded ones, our light bearers!

Much activity is happening now around your beautiful Gaia. Much activity indeed. We are readying our plans and proposals, the ground teams are getting ready to interact with you and your guides are continually being briefed of your individual energy progress and vibration. Keep your vibration high friends, it will serve you well in the coming days. Be silly. Laugh! Rejoice! For this is the hour, your hour of your redemption from the dross into the light! Hallelujah! Hallelujah.

We are here for you, humanity, always and forever. You were never truly alone. That is an impossibility. For we are all one, united in the breath of the Mother of all things. The cosmos is opening up to you humanity. And just as you were seeded so long ago, so will you in time plant your seeds of consciousness on new worlds, bringing the peace and unity consciousness and creativity and passion of the human collective, a force to be reckoned with. You will become great travelers and have many adventures. But first, your great adventure begins here now with co-creating Nova Gaia with us. For hand in hand we are making waves and changes that are felt all across your galaxy. All eyes are on you, friends. I see you choosing love more and more often, for this is the way of your future timeline. This is the path you have chosen as a collective. The horrors you have endured are to be transmuted and freed. No longer are the dark. No longer will fear be a real thing. It is but an idea of low vibration that you no longer need. Let it go. Drop it by the roadside and let it go, walking straight ahead down your golden road into the light, with your shoulders back, a whistle on your lips and a light step, knowing that you have passed the test, your test, that you created for yourselves.

I am your Sanat Kumara. I am always available for consultation and healing, and I’m a great listener. Won’t you give me a try? We are nearby, ever of service. I am your Sanat.

~ galaxygirl

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