Monday, February 15, 2016


 by Sananda through Kathryn


Greetings, I want to talk with all of you about Love.  I love talking about Love.  Yours, mine, ours.  During this time of monumental change, it is important to rest easily in Love, because it is the best life-preserver there is.  Love buoys us up, carries us through the difficult or turbulent times.  That is my experience, is it not yours?

How often when things go badly for you have you turned to an old and trusted friend who has loved you through the good times and bad?  It may not change the conditions, but it certainly soothes the ache, doesn't it?  And have you ever boarded a bus or subway at the end of a day that left you frazzled and then watched a baby gaze around and giggle at the people who smile at him?  It can warm your heart and melt away your cares to be in the presence of laughter - especially the laughter of a young child.

We Design Our Own Life Plans
All of us knew when we came here to Earth to live out a lifetime, we knew it would be difficult at best, because the conditions on the ground had deteriorated to the point where disease, pain and suffering came into every life.  No matter how privileged a life might appear from the outside, there truly have been no easy lifetimes on Planet Earth during the span of time which includes everyone who is alive now.  We came because we wanted to help, to uplift ourselves and our beloved planet, but we knew it would not be easy.  Once we had designed our life path with the help of loving Guides, angels and soul family, we submerged ourselves in the experience of lower dimensional Earth. We always came with hope and optimism that we would be able to bring the kind of Love we remembered from Home to our life here.  We were realistic about how much we hoped to accomplish, but we wanted most of all to bring Love to those we would share our lives with.

The conditions we knew in higher dimensions were serene, comfortable, filled with delight. Here at Home we are aware that we are immersed in the loving energies of Mother and Father God, and our soul family surrounds us always with unconditional love, Light and good humor.  We work hard in our positions as overseers of our incarnated loved ones, and we serve as members of Councils which discuss every nuance of how we can work with you to alleviate the suffering and bring about change.  These Councils have been working non-stop over the last many years to help bring about the massive shift you are now experiencing, but here we live in the knowledge that time is illusory, darkness has no definitive reality, and the Light is Home to all.  This gives us great comfort, even as our hearts ache for you as you continue to push forward so valiantly into the New Day.

Some of you are feeling intensely the discomfort of the rising frequencies, but it does not stop you from focusing on your chosen tasks - to transmute and clear away dark energies, hold the Light, provide laughter or shelter or food or inspiration for those who are suffering and feeling alone or discouraged.  We are especially admiring of your efforts because we know of the mental and emotional barriers you have had to break through to accomplish your mission.

So many of you there on the ground were taught some very strict and frightening things about God and his angels, his judgments and punishments.  Humanity as a whole has had little of the spiritual comfort of the sort we enjoy in higher dimensions.  Rules, threats of punishment and isolation are a constant danger in many cultures.  Dogma commonly encouraged one to shun or attack others not of their own beliefs.  These religious and social "rules" have created barriers where Love might otherwise have flourished.  Religions, in general, have had a stifling effect on friendship or love when it tries to cross boundaries. How many famous stories have told of the Romeo and Juliet dilemma:  true love squashed because families or cultures or countries must be served before the feelings of the lovers.  All this, Beloved Family, is about to come to an end.

You Are Our Heroes
You who are reading this have done a heroic job of changing the energetic atmosphere around you.  We look upon you adoringly and respectfully; you are truly our heroes, and we know each and every one of you as our brothers and sisters.  We know each other here so well, and we know the stories of the family members we each long to reunite with as this project comes to fruition.  We hold a sister's hand, or stand with an arm around a brother as they watch over you, their loved ones who are in the thick of the fray on the ground.  Sometimes we do what feels like holding our breaths as we watch you take on difficult and dangerous tasks, straining your physical, emotional and mental resources beyond your capacity.  On Earth as in Heaven, we have all been working beyond our capacity, in the place beyond Creation, with the heartfelt encouragement of Mother and Father and all our loving Company of Heaven.

In Love and intimate solidarity, our hearts go out to our hard-working Twin Flames on the ground, the twin spark of our soul, the love that has endured throughout our eternity together.  There can be no separation between twin souls.  We could spend eternities in separate galaxies doing our Light work, but there would be no sense of isolation or loneliness, for we are forever connected by our shared heart-flame. We are like Mother and Father, who are inseparable in every way.  It could not be otherwise.

There has been a misunderstanding about the difference between a soul mate and a twin soul/twin flame.  It is very simple, really.  A twin soul/twin flame is literally our twin, the other half of our soul. Yet it is interesting to comprehend that although we share our soul essence, neither of us is less than whole.  A soul mate is just as it would sound in Australian vernacular:  A close and valued pal, friend, lover or family member.  Our soul mates are many and treasured; they share lifetimes with us over and over, helping us to fulfill the particular experiences and missions we have chosen.

We know before we come what part we will play for each other, so that the benefits accrue to all of us.  They may come as brother, father, teacher, lover or friend, as sister, aunt or closest confident.  Depending upon the requirements of a particular lifetime, they may even come as an arch enemy, a rival, a competitor, or a villain.  We choose to play these roles for each other because of the trust and familiarity we have developed over eons as a family group.

Every soul, even one who comes to this lifetime to live as a hermit, has such a loving and reliable family, always serving them whether incarnated or in spirit, and that family reaches far and wide, ultimately intertwined with every other family and soul group.  In the Home we share in higher dimensions, we are in loving acceptance of other groups who may come to interact with our family group.  This is what is happening now, with the arrival of families from all over the Universe who have come to join us in this historic Ascension of Planet Earth.  They come to learn and to Love, one and all.

The Skies Above You and the Air Around Are Filled with Love
It has been a concerted cabal program to make humankind think that all visitors from other planets must be invaders, conquerors with evil intent.  Of course that is absurd, because all ships and their inhabitants from the 5th dimension and higher are loving.  I want to reassure you, the story of the Ancharon Alliance and the danger, destruction, evil and imbalance they programmed and incited into this reality is not only at an end; it is not to be repeated.  At this very moment, there are billions of benevolent Galactic high dimensional beings in your skies, beaming their love and support, to assist you in your glorious Ascension.

Thanks to your tireless efforts to hold the Light on the surface and the stupendous achievements of the Galactic fleet under our Supreme Commander Ashtar, no invaders or cosmic accidents will be allowed to interfere with Earth.  Be assured that any significant event you experience in your life in this pivotal stretch on Earth is something you yourself planned.  This should bring you tremendous comfort and allow you to embrace your experiences as you go through your days.

Yes, you are still doing the clean-up and restoration, and our project to bring Light to all souls on Earth is gaining momentum.  Many of those who had temporarily aligned with cabal ideology are coming out of their hiding places to seek restoration in the Light, as the tattered Matrix crumbles into oblivion.  The day of hope fulfilled is upon us.

Sananda: Be My Valentine
Here is the inscription on my forever Valentine card to you, Beloved Earth Humans, as I stand on the deck of the New Jerusalem, in solidarity with all Beings of Light:
You are safe, my Beloveds, as never before
You are wrapped in our Love, forevermore
Dear Terra, Ascending, holds true to her duty,
Restoring dear Gaia to richness and beauty
As her children turn to each other in Love
They awaken and heal in the Light from above.
The Company of Heaven helps carry the banner,
You at one end and we at the other,
Our Bridge is resplendent, expanding Creation -
The Rainbow of Love arches over all nations.
While the HoneyLove flows from our Mother above,
We're surrounded and safe in our Father's great Love.
And this is my promise, Beloved Friends,
That this Valentine blessing never ends.
It is a pledge of Love that remains ever true;
Our Loving Hearts linger to usher you through
Your New Golden Age, this era foretold
By angels and prophets and sages of old.
We joyfully dance as we join hand in hand,
Peace love and forgiveness flow over the land.
I love you now and I ever will serve
I am your Sananda, I give you my word.

(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, 15 February 2016)

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