Saturday, February 13, 2016

Emerging from Indifference

February 13, 2016 by Steve Beckow

IndifferenceQuan Yin and Archangel Gabrielle have discussed the problems of indifference, lethargy, apathy, etc., lately. (1)

We’re heading into a time when we’ll be called to stick our heads up, above the masses, and take a leadership role. We all know what the common wisdom is on what happens to people who stick their heads up. We make ourselves a target – or so it’s said.

I think we need to realize … well, many things really. But one we need to start with is how deeply we may have been affected by skepticism and ridicule and how much we may have given in to apathy and indifference.

I’ll be writing a series that looks at what Werner Erhard had to say about the difficulties that attend any attempt to make a difference in the world. These are pitfalls and ways of thinking and being that I believe we need to take into account when we begin our lightwork and especially our financial leadership.

I’d like to start by noting in passing the impact of our conditioning, especially in the area of believing that there’s no way to make a difference in our world, that real change is impossible, that people don’t want to change, that we are not the ones who could make a difference even if a difference could be made, etc., etc., and so forth.

Unknown to most of us, we’ve been subjected to a wide range of measures designed to dumb us down. Fluoride in toothpaste, chemtrails, food additives, electromagnetic pulses, subliminal messages and many more techniques and strategies all combine to keep us thinking about little if anything more significant than sex and consumerism, sports and hairdos.

While we were sleeping, our militaries perfected weapons of mass destruction and elaborate methods of crowd control, using the money that could have relieved hunger in the world.

While we looked the other way, they built FEMA camps to incarcerate intellectuals, complete with thousands and thousands of plastic coffins. We can guess what those were for.

The financial elite acquired companies, merged them, and flipped them. Automators skimmed their employees from their payroll. Dot com bubbles sucked value from the stock market.

And all the time they called such enlightened measures as universal medicare “socialism,” a label which had us back away from draining money from their “defense” budgets. Down and down the mass of the public went as 1% of the population battened off our misery.

All the time the message was that there was nothing we can do about it.

To a large extent, we may not have been able to do much about it.

Until now.

We’re a short time away (no one knows how long) from having the means to do something about it. The Reval, the prosperity packages, the historic bonds, and all the other mechanisms devised to get funds out to people who’ll use them to revive the planet and its people are making the difference.

However a lot of us may find that we’re still susceptible to the conditioning that’s resulted from a lifetime of being told, openly and subliminally, that our efforts don’t matter, don’t count, and won’t help.

Even now, once we have the wherewithal, we may still knuckle under to the opposition that will inevitably arise to our efforts.

I’ve watched myself recoil from people’s criticism and cynicism. Who am I to be thinking these thoughts and saying these things? Who do I think I am?

What kind of an egotistical fool am I to believe that a group of dedicated lightworkers can turn the world situation around? What planet am I from?

After I stop hacking and spluttering from that last one, I immediately get to work, processing whatever it is that’s at play that makes criticism like this, ridicule in some cases, like kryptonite to me.

Who do I think I am? What difference does it make?

What do I want? That makes much more of a difference.

I’m a sovereign citizen of Planet Earth, who wants to see an end to hunger and poverty, an end to disease, especially manmade diseases like AIDS, Ebola, SARS, etc., an end to homelessness, illiteracy, inequality, persecution, and the list goes on.

In the last analysis, it doesn’t matter who I am. I’m no one going nowhere.

But it does matter who I am in the matter. So I’m going to look for the next few days, through the eyes of Werner Erhard and the Hunger Project, at what prevents us from making a difference in our world. And what empowers us.


(1) “Goddess Quan Yin on Indifference and Apathy” at and “Archangel Gabrielle: Eradicate Indifference” at

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