February 8, 2016 by Steve Beckow
Credit: indianinthemachine.wordpress.com
(Continued from Part 1.)
All civilisations go through a number of steps in their growth and evolution. First the civilisation is seeded at its point of origin. Mostly these are planets but sometimes civilisations begin inside stars, it might surprise you to learn. Or indeed in other places that might seem even less likely to you. How about the periphery of a black hole for an interesting origin.
But be that as it may. Wherever a new civilisation is seeded, it is the norm for it to be nurtured and watched over by an older more developed civilisation. The gods of your myths and legends are actually just this: space faring civilisations that interacted with earth humans when your race was newly formed and in need of teaching regarding certain basics like agriculture, language, writing and various other subjects like mathematics or astronomy. At some point in the civilisation’s advancement, however, there comes the time when separation must occur. The older race that watches over the younger race must depart. They must seem to leave their protégé’s to their own devices.
This is necessary as it is only then that the younger civilisation can move properly into the 3rd density of consciousness. As long as the old ones are hanging around watching over you, you are doing as you are told. You are not truly choosing and discovering for yourself who you really are. So their role is to get you going so that you can carry on without them and then to exit stage left. Or at least they must seem to do so. They can of course watch over you from the shadows where you are not aware of them. It is possible that they might also have their own attachment issues and that they might continue to try to tinker with your development from behind the scenes. It does happen!
But be that as it may, with this departure the young planetary civilisation takes its first tentative, shaky steps into 3rd density consciousness as it chews on the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, as it were. And this is where your planetary consciousness has been for the last many thousands of years. And since the gods of your myths have seemed to leave you to your selves, you have been deeply immersed in your own choices about who you, individually and collectively, really are.
This is the hallmark of the 3rd density of consciousness. It is ALL about choice. The choice is this: where will you put your energy? Or put another way: where will you focus your love? You have had the ages of choice to sort this out for yourself before the next age begins. And right now you are pretty much in the very centre of the transition between the age of choice and the next age. The opportunity to make up your mind and choose is drawing to a close as it has for countless other planetary civilisations that walked some variation of this same path.
So let us take a look at the choice that lies before you. This can, essentially, be reduced to four main possibilities. First there is the choice to steadfastly continue NOT to choose. It is your right to refuse to choose and you will not be forced. This approach is for the soul that has not seen sufficient examples of the options and it will result in such a being going back into the 3D cycle again for another go-around. This is not a step forward. It is a choice to take the same class again. Where such a being will end up will depend on that being’s higher-self. But it is entirely possible to come back to planet earth at the beginning of this self-same cycle, if that is what is desired.
The second choice is to choose what is popularly called “service to other”. This is the choice for one that is love-and-light oriented. If you feel the good and right thing for you to do is to put others before yourself and to give and serve and love and to make the world a better place… then STO is for you. If you have firmly made this choice then you are already living these ideals. As the transition plays out you will find yourself moving into a reality where you will be surrounded by more and more beings of your own polarity and at some point you will even begin to meet and interact with space-family who are of this same polarity.
Perhaps you will even be going with them to a planet which is more truly “home” for you than earth is. Planetary civilisations that are polarised this way are in the main very peaceful, kind and gentle places to be. There is a harmonious coexistence that is quite pleasant for many, if possibly a little boring. I say boring because things can tend to the predictable as conflict of any kind is rare and no-one seeks to put themselves forward over another. But there IS opportunity for excitement for the STO oriented individual. At the fringes of these societies there is an eternally raging conflict with members of the opposite polarity. Let me first tell you all about those.
The third choice is for what is called “service to self”. It is the opposite and balancing polarity of service to other. STS is the choice for those that seek their own pleasure, power and advancement before that of any other. If you feel you are the most important person in your reality and it is right for you to always put yourself first, then this is your polarity and you will find yourself living this ideal already. You will most likely either be in a position of power over others in some legally legitimised way, such as being a corporate leader or a government power-player, or you will find your way to power over others illegally such as through crime or even just victim/perpetrator psycho-dramas. You will also gravitate to those who you perceive to be powerful and you will serve them but only as a vehicle to your own advancement.
As the transition plays out you will find yourself inhabiting a reality surrounded by ever more beings who, like you, are seeking their own self-service. And in due course you shall also meet members of other space civilisations who themselves are predominantly service-to-self. I shall not be coy about this. STS is a hard path and I feel great compassion for those that travel this road. The path of ego over heart is the lonely path. And there is no soft place to fall ever. No one can be trusted and everyone is manipulating for their own interests. It is very much eat or be eaten in such a reality.
But many thrive in such circumstances. They are adept power-players and they get to the top of every heap they are in. They love the power and glory of having minions to do their every bidding. And they are very willing to play the role of the cruel and heartless master to keep everyone in line. There are many compensations for life in such a hard reality. Certainly the ego may be given full reign in its search for gratification.
One of the hallmarks of true STS civilisations is rapacious use and abuse of planetary resources. Another is unbridled expansionism. Put these two things together and it is obvious that such civilisations will be constantly seeking to colonise other planets. And where they find other civilisations on those planets they will seek to dominate them and take from them what they need. Resources, slaves… whatever it is that they desire. And so it is that borderlines are quickly drawn. STO civilisations band together and defend what is theirs from constant incursions from STS civilisations.
And so it comes to be that there is an on-going never-ending war in the heavens between these two polarities of being. The war often reaches a kind of stalemate and borderlines seem to become permanently drawn. This is because STO civilisations are naturally harmonious and are very willing to co-operate and help each other. They will leap to each other’s mutual defence as a matter of course. So they easily form vast pan-galactic alliances which have access to so much by way of combined resources that they become a very formidable defensive foe.
STS civilisations, by contrast, do not easily form alliances. If they do these agreements are weak as they exist only to serve the transient, narrow self interest of the signatories. At the drop of a hat the parties stab each other in the back and the alliance collapses. STS civilisations grow by conquest. Empires grow to span many planets and then schism and collapse in on themselves as internal conflicts over power pull them apart. But these civilisations are always seeking advantage over all others and war is a natural expression of their way of being.
And that outlines the STO and STS duality between which you might now be choosing.
(Concluded in Part 3 tomorrow.)
But there is a fourth choice. It is the choice to simply leap-frog the realm of duality altogether and to ascend your consciousness above the petty squabbles. This is the choice for unity consciousness.
All STS and STO civilisations will themselves come to a window period such as you are now in. And there they will have the opportunity to either switch polarity, which is rare, or to make the leap and come to the realisation that polarity is an illusion. There is, in truth, only Oneness. The “self” is in deepest truth, one with the All. “Other” and “self” are temporary illusory constructs that are brought to us via the veil of unknowing.
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