Sunday, January 3, 2016

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, December 28, 2015

See how you would like things to go.

You see, as you hold the positive expectation, so too do you create it.
So see everything going smoothly.
See all that you need coming to you easily.
You see, life is a gift that you bring to yourself.

Who says that it has to be hard.
As you consider our holy words, you will come to understand that you have choice.
You see, the more that you can begin to create with the idea of life being easy, so shall you en-joy an easy flow of things.
Life does not have to be hard, unless you want it to be.

What if you wanted life to be easy.
What if you decided to allow yourself to easily flow with your good.
Flow with life.
Allow yourself the gift of believing that life can be easy.

That all that you need easily flows to you, as you expect it, as you envision it, and as you believe it is possible.
What if you believed that life could be easy.
And so it is.

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