by Sananda
An important milestone is approaching, Dear Friends. It is the end of an arduous, miraculous, historic year - 2015. I promise you it is a year that will remain in your memory as a phenomenally successful turning point in your own lives and in the life of your planet.
The Thrill of Creation and Fulfillment
Think of the way a smash hit on Broadway comes to be. First the playwright labors for months or years, or perhaps even a lifetime on the script, pouring heart and soul into the imaginings that create the characters, the plot, the location and the message. Then he or she must publish the play, and begin the process of finding producers who will bring the play to the stage.
The creation of the play has hardly begun at this point. Actors must be chosen carefully, to insure that the essential spirit of the play is captured by the ones who fit comfortably into the role, according to their special talents, their character and skills. Investors must be satisfied that the play will be viable and will reward them for their conviction and trust that the creative team will come together to create something that the audience can relate to and enjoy. The director must be in sympathy with the author's intentions and have the skill to bring out the deep and authentic feeling required by the actors, and they must all work together in harmony with the set designers, lighting, music and theatre managers, and it must all be carefully coordinated and done on a tight schedule.
Hundreds or even thousands of hearts, hands and minds go into producing a memorable play that will touch people's hearts and inspire them toward greater heights in their own lives. Everyone looks forward with high anticipation to opening night and the great moment when the curtain rises and the new play begins. Now the audience is everything. The outcome lies in their hands.
Now, imagine that inspiration - that drive and determination to create something miraculous - as the setting for this moment in history. This drama we now usher in together, Dear Ones, will dumbfound the critics, leave the audience weeping with joy, and lift all our hearts in such a way that people will struggle for years to find the words to capture the magic that is happening in this breathless moment.
You and I, Beloved Ones, have each played our parts perfectly in this daringly original smash hit-in-the-making. The crew of this production includes every man, woman and child on the surface and within Gaia, all the Company of Heaven who have chosen their own places in the unfolding drama, and innumerable Galactic protectors, observers and supporters whose identities you have yet to learn. Yes, it is a drama that has drawn an audience of billions, and will be a story that is discussed, studied and explored for eons to come.
Peace and Prosperity Come to Earth
Let's take the example of the coming Prosperity Programs and funds. Some of you became interested in this part of the coming shift because you heard about St. Germain's Prosperity Programs that were to rebalance the economic disparity, bringing abundance for all and return us to fair and democratic systems of governance. You began to learn that there were many others who have dedicated their energies to teaching, funding and supporting the coming blessings, and that this would be just the beginning of worldwide peace and abundance. Some turned away in doubt because it sounded "too good to be true." Certainly those who wished to maintain control over the debt slaves of Earth did not want anyone to believe that there would be massive changes that would set everyone free of their grasp. They wanted their minions to remain in fear and cynicism, increasing their own doubt and pain because that way, they would forget how to create a different life for themselves. They would give up on imagining, dreaming and creating the Paradise on Earth they yearned for in their hearts.
Peace on Earth had become a mantra rather than a reality, an empty slogan on a Holiday card that had lost its urgency, its compelling call to the heart of humankind. Earth was in mortal danger of being destroyed, along with all on her. As Archangel Michael had prophesied long ago at the beginning of this experiment, the time to end duality and darkness on Earth had come.
The Proclamation that Ends Suffering and Ushers in JOY
This was when Mother and Father declared an end to the free-will experiment with darkness that had gripped Planet Earth since the days of Atlantis. But that was not the end of the era of pain and suffering, any more than the playwright's script is the final product. It was the final writing of the decree, the inspiration for the great drama that was to unfold gradually, gaining Light as the production teams, the inspired supporters, the movers and the shakers, the quietly faithful and the awakening audience all began to assemble. The change was to be created by the combined efforts of billions of souls, not by God's decree alone.
The first phase was to bring hope to the oppressed population, and to open their hearts to the deep connection with God they had forgotten. Mother and Father God see all their children as their close, intimate family, precious beyond measure. Humankind on Earth had long forgotten that intimacy. In its place had developed the belief that God was an unapproachable male presence to be feared and obeyed, not a friend or protector but a cruel and vindictive judge. Many of the Company of Heaven volunteered to incarnate on Earth as prophets, spiritual leaders, philosophers, artists and teachers to tell the true story of God's Love.
It has taken a long time to counteract the dark teachings of the Anunnaki masters who had so relentlessly and so ruthlessly crafted the programs to enslave the minds of all humankind. All who came to Earth had to struggle against the undertow that threatened to swallow everyone who dared to venture here. There were eras that seemed to portend higher levels of enlightenment, but always the dark ones were operating behind the scenes, casting a deep shadow across the land, leaving people uneasy and mistrustful even in the presence of plenty.
As Lightworkers were assassinated, tortured and silenced, others came to take up the banner of Faith and were treated equally brutally. More of the Company of Heaven came to incarnate here, bringing greater hope and inspiration, but always it was met with greater resistance. It became clear that without Mother and Father's intervention, Earth would be lost to darkness.
We were not discouraged by the numerous lifetimes that ended in burnings, hangings and every form of crucifixion imaginable. It only strengthened our resolve to work harder, combine our energies with our Higher Dimensional Selves, Angels, Twin Flames and most of all, Mother and Father God. Our convictions were tested, above and below, and we persevered.
There was much to learn and understand about these difficult conditions. There had been other planets that had been plunged into darkness, but it had taken them either a drastic dissolution to protect the Universe around them, or they spent millions of years climbing out of the mire, learning generation after generation to reach for Light rather than darkness.
Humans on our beloved Earth had a different plan for their own salvation. They wanted to do it quickly, and they wanted to do it together. The great Councils met, and the unfolding drama was envisioned as a manifestation of God's desire and decree: As Above, So Below. Earth and Paradise would be one. Earth would ascend, with all upon her, we would do it together, and every soul would be saved, brought Home to Mother and Father's waiting embrace.
Courage, Kindness, Love and FAITH
It was agreed that with every act of courage, kindness, Love and Faith, Mother and Father would incrementally increase the dispensations allowed to assist us. This was the blessing that allowed us to tip the scales, to begin the upward ascension you are feeling now, as the great Light of the Central Sun, Mother and Father's Love, lifts us higher every day.
You will one day learn of the great acts of selflessness and bravery that built the path, brick by brick, that has led us to this finale - this triumphant moment in time that was eons in the making. You have much knowledge of war and terror, because your histories have been written by the dark masters who controlled all information, but you know little of the magnificent stories of Love and the steady growth in human consciousness over these past millennia. It will delight you beyond words when you learn of your true history, and how steadfast, original and creative you have been in your own development.
This story I tell you now, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, is a brief outline of the spectacular drama that has unfolded on Gaia's surface as we have forged forward into the Light together. Our upward climb has been strenuous, but the friendships we have forged, the Love we have felt for our intimate soul mates and friends while here on Earth or working together in higher dimensions has raised us up in a way we could not have imagined possible when we embarked on this adventure.
We are now beginning a new phase of our phenomenally successful play. Perhaps you could think of it as a sequel, or a continuing drama. We do know for certain that the next months and years will be astonishing in their newness. Be ready, Beloved Ones, to leave all old ideas behind about what life is. Only the Love you have felt, the moments that touched your heart, the inspiration and compassion you have known are real. All else will drop away. We no longer have need for the rules that bound us or the cautiousness and fear that limited us. Now is the time for us to venture into the unknown, because what we know is Love. Nothing else matters.
We will need no imposed boundaries, no oppressive regulations or beliefs to control our thoughts and our actions, because we will act with compassion, Love and respect for others. The adventures that will come of those actions will be wondrous and fulfilling beyond anything you have envisioned. You, beloved Humankind, are loved, and you are protected by Mother and Father God and all their Legions of Light.
Prosperity and new governance will bring its own challenges. Will you adapt quickly to new opportunities and deeply felt pleasures? Will enough abundance be enough to calm your ancient fears? The coming days may test your imagination, but if you embrace the glory of our successful climb so far, you will see the summit there before you, just a step away. Let the fog clear from you eyes and your minds. Let your heart soar with Joy. Now it is our time.
The Light-filled energies you feel sweeping over the Earth now will augment every feeling, bring to fruition every deep longing, and gloriously manifest your heartfelt Visions. We are ascending now, and we will not be turning back. Walk with me, my dear friends. Feel my hand on your shoulder. We are one.
I am your loving brother, Sananda
Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, December 31, 2015
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