Angels My dear friends, we love you so very much,
The deeper you surrender in faith and trust to God's grace, the more magical your lives will become. You do not have to solve a single challenge on your own or figure out how to make a single dream come true without assistance. We, your angels are here for you as emissaries of God's love and the Divine itself lives and breathes within you, always guiding you through the whispers in your heart.
Yet human beings have a tendency not to trust God because subtly you may still believe that "God" or the "Divine" is a person outside of yourselves. People have disappointed you and so you fear the Divine may disappoint you. It is all too human to try to remain in control of how life must look. It is such sweet surrender to listen to your heart's guidance in the moment and enjoy your lives, while at the same time being gently carried forward. Dear ones, God cares about you. Divine love lives within you. There is no separation. You are part of something so much greater than your individual personalities. You are part of One, infinite, unending, constant Love.
So when you have a challenge, pray. Dear God, Dear Divine Source, Dear Angels, I give thanks for the perfect solution to this challenge. This would be my will, but if you have something better I surrender to that. When you have a dream, pray similarly. Dear god, Dear Divine Source, Dear Angels, I give thanks for you bringing me this dream in the perfect time and the perfect way, and if you have better in mind I gratefully accept.
You are never alone. You are never without love and assistance. Dear ones, don't attempt to live life on your own for this is like a cell trying to live without understanding it functions within a big beautiful body, and that this cell's well being and joy contribute to the well being and joy of the whole. You matter. Your problems matter. Your dreams matter. Believe and you will receive.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
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