Saturday, May 2, 2015

Moments of Silence by Archangel Raphael

hannelled through Natalie Glasson- 1st May 2015- Sacred School of OmNa

It is with the deepest of love I, Archangel Raphael, embrace you now, I bring to you through the vibration of my love deep

healing for all aspects of your being. I wish to encourage you to access and witness moments of silence within your being as a

tool of accelerating your ascension and discovering your truth. I do not necessarily invite you to seek quiet spaces within your

reality and daily routine, as although helpful you are seeking outside of yourself and your truth. Instead I encourage you to

access and witness moments of silence within your being as this will connect you deeper into the core and essence of your truth; all that is the Creator.

A moment of silence is a moment of being at peace with yourself and your reality, a moment of resonating in harmony with the

Creator to encourage your creator vibrations and essence to strengthen and be empowered. A moment of silence is when

you allow yourself to realise your divinity, rejuvenating your entire being with sacred vibrations of your soul and the Creator

while also recognising your expansion and connection to all aspects of the Creator. It is to recharge your faith and belief in

yourself and the Creator allowing yourself to feel tranquil and supported. A moment of silence is like taking a breath in harmony

with the Creator feeling the benefits of this connection flowing throughout your entire being and reality while allowing you to feel limitless and free.

The greatest tool of connection with the Creator and to cultivate numerous moments of silence within your being and reality is

to focus upon love. As a soul in a human body upon the Earth love is the energy, experience and embodiment which is most

likened to the vibrations of the Creator. It is not that love is powerful, more so love is the vibrations and resonance which is

most similar to the Creator and therefore leads all into states of resonating and vibrating in harmony with the Creator. Love is a

tool which can return to you your Creator consciousness, memories of your divine truth and the powers existing within your

being. A moment of silence within your being is actually a moment of experiencing love, which in truth is a moment of

embracing and surrendering to the Creator. When you allow yourself to vibrate as love everything within you and around you

becomes peaceful, flowing and supportive. One of the easiest ways to navigate the Earthly reality is to resonate with the

Creator so you become the vibrations of the Creator. This can be achieved through expressing the energy vibrations of the

Creator through your being, focusing upon being and expressing love or simply allowing joy to bubble from your being as often

as possible. Joy and happiness can be accessed through gratitude. There are so many different pathways to reuniting yourself with the Creator which is in truth remembering yourself as an aspect of the Creator.

I wish to invite you to choose a simple tool which resonates with your own truth and essence, inspiring you to experience the

support of the Creator more fully within your reality every moment of every day. Whatever your chosen tool, let it be simple and

something you easily believe to assist you in experiencing the Creator more fully within your reality. Let your focus be dedicated to this process with an inner knowledge of your achievement and success.

I wish to propose to you the tool of a moment of silence to enhance your resonance with the Creator. When you believe that

silence can only be born from within your being and can be achieved without the need for peace or quietness outside of you,

then you let go of allowing the outside world to impact your being and reality; in truth you detach. From a space of detachment

you are far more able to navigate your earthly reality and inner reality with clarity and kindness. No longer do you take things

as a personal insult, impact or rejection, more so as a simple occurrence from which the truth of the Creator can be accessed.

With a greater sense of freedom you are able to move into and cultivate a space of love which can be achieved through

recognising a trinity of love which is always present. The trinity of love is to realise you are loved unconditionally and wholly by

the Creator, you have a natural ability to love all that is the Creator unconditionally and wholly and you have the capacity to love

yourself unconditionally and wholly. This realisation is immensely powerful, the trinity of love is your natural truth, even when your

physical body no longer exists you will still experience the trinity of love; it is your eternal experience. When you remind yourself

of your natural trinity of love you connect into your truth and move into a space of consciousness aligned with the Creator,

where the Creator can be present with you. You can never escape the trinity of love no matter what you do; it is eternally present with you.

You may wish to use these words to support your mental understanding; however it is your emotional resonance which is of

greatest importance in accessing a moment of silence:

‘In this moment I love myself unconditionally and wholly, in this moment I love all that is the Creator unconditionally and wholly, in

this moment I know in every aspect of my being I am unconditionally and wholly loved by the Creator eternally. This is my

moment of silence which will continue to reside within me and emanate from me forever more. I thank myself for allowing this

moment of deep resonance with the Creator as I permit myself to be completely supported and loved by the Creator.’

You may wish to read through my words until you feel yourself aligning, resonating and awakening to become the energy and

meaning of the words. Alternatively you can simply allow yourself to focus upon love building within your being abundantly,

emanating from every aspect of your being. In this moment and in the coming moments as love builds and overflows from your

being notice how the presence and focus upon love allows for experiences of silence, as if your entire being rests, relaxes,

rejuvenates and recalibrates. I invite you to use this practice as a tool to support you in experiencing moments of silence.

Other tools are to imagine yourself as a radiant beacon of light with the light of the Creator streaming from every cell of your

being. To allow yourself to be grateful for all the blessings you have manifested within your reality however small or large, with

the knowingness that you determine the blessings you allow yourself to receive through your willingness to receive and

recognise yourself as being worthy. Another tool is to focus upon your breath as often as possible throughout your day knowing

your breath is a conscious flow of the Creator and a gateway to an illuminated state of the Creator, allowing yourself to move

beyond separation. You may wish to focus upon a deep purification with my support, Archangel Raphael, as a tool of moving

into a moment of silence. Simply invite me to shower you in soft green and pink light born from my healing Angelic vibrations to

dissolve all resistance and false illusions hindering you in making space for moments of union with the Creator. Invite me to

bring forth my healing as often as possible. You may wish to call upon me to remove old wounds of pain with my Angelic Healing Light.

You may also wish to sit peacefully and ask your soul to inspire you with a new tool to support you in experiencing moments of silence which are moments of resonance with divinity and healing.

While many techniques may feel appealing to you or you may feel the need to focus upon several in one period of time, I wish

to invite you to dedicate yourself to one alone, even if only for a few days, knowing within your heart and soul that the tool will

support you in moving to the next stage of your ascension. While also knowing you will allow yourself to devote your focus to

your chosen tool whatever may be occurring or distracting you in your reality. Please know I am a healing supportive presence in your reality eternally.

At this stage of ascension I invite you to enhance your devotion, focus and determination to recognise yourself more fully as

your divinity and all that is the Creator. This will strengthen your energies and understandings while allowing you to open and

surrender more fully to the Creator, awakening your deep unity with the Creator.

With Angelic Blessings and support,

Archangel Raphael

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