Thursday, July 25, 2024

A New Commandment - Heavenletter #6411

God said:

Beloved, every responsibility you accept is a gift you give to Earth. No burdens are to exist in any corner of the world. Remove from any contemplation the faintest idea of heaviness of heart. Lightness of heart hails as your New Commandment. Under no circumstances are you to feel dragged down. Absolutely not. I state light of heart as yours. This is My Will for you. No one is to be laden with a burlap bag of heavy stones. Joy is your tribute to the world.

Be light of foot and light of heart. Life on Earth is to be for joy. Sense of burden is not to be allowed. Life is a high-stepping dance. Oh, yes, by all means, dance a dance of joy. Do not even think of feeling responsibility as a weight. Make joy right and left. Once and for all, joy alone. No foot-dragging. Let there be no excuse for anything less than handstands and cartwheels and dancing and singing in the streets. No word of dismay is to pass your lips or ears.

Be joy to the world. Hark, the herald angels sing. You are a herald angel who sings a beautiful song. What a chorus of joy you sing to Me and to the world. Would I choose you for less than joy? No. I choose you for joy, and that’s it, the whole story. Joy is easy to remember. Your to-do list is to be made of joy alone. Center front, no exceptions. Wear a t-shirt that says Joy Alone. There is to be no less than joy for even one child of God.

It isn’t for you to muddy the waters. Joy alone is for you. Wear all the colors of joy. Forgo any concession to anything less than joy. Joy heads the list. Joy alone. Experience joy even with your right hand tied behind your back. Zippity Doo Dah. Hallelujah. I assign you joy on earth. Joy and joy alone.

Sainthood is to be joy. Nothing whatsoever is be less than joy to the hilt. Your freedom is to shine joy. You are not on Earth to signify less.

Let whatever you engage in be outright joy. Allow all joy to precede you. You are to drink of joy alone. There is within you a bubbling stream of joy. Drink to your heart’s content. Let thy name be joy unending. Joy is foremost and unrestricted. There are no boundaries to the joy that is to beam within you. Hut. Hut. Giddyap to joy, little dogie. Surround yourself with joy. Hie to joy. Joy is to radiate from you. Joy alone. For sure you are not destined for moil and trouble. There is no merit to less than joy. Less than joy is worth nothing at all. There will be no miserliness when it comes to joy. Abundance alone. Once and for all, joy pure and clear and hearty to all. No one is to mince joy. Strew joy abundantly. No faking joy. Hear Me. True joy is the Commandment I give to all on Earth. Make no bones about this. There are no exceptions, not one. Joy is the ground-breaker. Joy to all is foremost.

Your lesson is to learn joy no matter what. The more joy you give, the more joy there is. Fill the rafters with joy, joy unabashed. Your life is to be decorated with joy. Happy hearts are to abound. Ring the bells of joy lightly, and ring them clearly. Joy is now the way of the world. Is joy second to the Commandment to Love All? Which comes first? Joy or love, love or joy? There is no first or last.

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