Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - July 25, 2024

 What the Next Five Years Will Be Like ∞The Andromedan Council of Light

What the Next Five Years Will Be Like ∞The Andromedan Council of Light, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you. 

We have noticed how far you’ve come over the last five years there on Earth, and we know that you faced a lot of adversity and a lot of challenges in order to make the growth that you have over those past five years. We also want you to know that it doesn’t have to be hard. You do not need to make things harder on yourselves in order to grow and expand into the beings that you are ultimately becoming. You can have a very smooth and easy ride over these next five years, and we invite you to envision what that looks like to you.

We invite you to be the creators that you are and not the reactors that you have been in the past. We invite you to see the future as bright, as filled with what you have been asking for, and we want you to know that there are more beings on our side of the veil helping you than ever before. So you can relax, and you can be in the knowing that it is your time now to receive all that you have asked for. You do not have to create everything using your action, your words, or even your thoughts.

You can create with your state of being, and as you make your state of being more important to you than the circumstances that are showing up in your lives, you will see how just a little tweak to your vibration can make a world of difference. Demonstrate this to yourselves the next time you are having you are having a disagreement with someone, the next time you are in the midst of an argument with someone that you love. 

Instead of thinking about what you want to say next or how upset you are by what the other person has said, take a moment and breathe, and reset, and ask yourself if you can exist in a higher vibration in that moment. We know you can, and we know that you will, especially with practice. We also know that you have placed a great deal of value there on Earth on being right. But your vibration has to matter to you more than being the one who is right all the time or even most of the time. 

And when you surrender and let go of any need that you have to be right, you will find that it is quite liberating. You will find that you can acknowledge that you are a work in progress and so is everyone else. But you are making progress, and that’s the important thing to put your attention on. You don’t have to go back and correct all the mistakes you’ve ever made in your lives. You don’t have to say sorry to everyone that you may have offended, but you can acknowledge that you are growing, and you are expanding, and you are becoming more of your true self every single day, and so is everyone else. 

And when you can acknowledge those things and work on your vibration, you can see how the next five years of life on planet Earth can and will be filled with so much joy, so much love, so much peace, so much abundance, so much creativity, and so much more of what you all want for yourselves. Don’t get hung up on how you’re going to get there, and don’t feel like you have to agree with everyone else on how you’re going to get there or convince anyone else of how you’re going to get there. Just keep that end goal in your mind’s eye, and know that you cannot help but move in that direction because this is the time of ascension, and it is a universal ascension that we are all participating in and participating in equally. 

We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we have enjoyed serving you in this way.”

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