Sunday, April 28, 2024

What Is Best | The Creator via Jennifer Farley - APRIL 27, 2024

What Is Best

Your Earth plane, to say the very least, is going through an interesting transition right now. If you feel you have reached a plateau, then be in that moment. If you feel you need to rest, then do it. If you feel the push to keep working, then embrace it. 

If you want to play, then play away. There is no set way of moving through this particular shift so, do what you feel is best for you. The Universe will always support any decision you make for yourself. 

~ Creator

The Creator Writings

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - April 28, 2024

 Awakened Collective: Answer the Call ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Awakened Collective: Answer the Call ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have received so much feedback from all of you and more is always welcome. We will continue to welcome in all of the energies that you send to us, because we enjoy being your co-creators in the ascension process. We have the vantage point of humanity and life on planet Earth that serves us most, and we know it to be the vantage point that serves you the most as well. That is why we are always sharing with you our perspective that all truly is well there on your planet. 

Those of you who are awake need to understand the importance of you being there, even as you do not feel that you fit in so well. It is not about fitting in for any of you. It is about taking the bold steps forward that many others would like to take but are afraid to. You tend to forgo the traditional career and the traditional life for something that is out of the ordinary, something that is unique, and you do tend to follow your heart.

Now, what this means is that you are leaders. You are natural born teachers and leaders, and you are meant to show others the way. You are not meant to show others your way or the only way, but by your example, you are showing others that it is possible to march to the beat of their own drum and still lead a happy and fulfilling life.

Therefore, we will always turn you back within yourselves to the inner calling that you have right now. Perhaps you have an inner calling to go live somewhere, to go be with someone, to take a course so you can access more of your gifts and abilities. Whatever the inner calling is that you have, you are meant to answer the call. You are the awakened ones that we have referred to many times as the awakened collective, and as you are true to yourselves, you play the role that you are meant to play within the collective. 

And we know that you are moving beyond that traditional life because this is the lifetime of ascension for you and for all of us in the universe. We also know that you sometimes have to face fears and think outside of the box in order to follow through with your passions, with your dreams. Remember that those desires that you have are coming to you from within, and you are meant to feel pulled in a direction. 

You are meant to express yourselves in all the ways that you can and to share with others who and what you really are. It is time for more of you to answer the call, and we know that you will, but we know it because we know that the call will get stronger. We don’t expect you to just listen to us and follow your inner calling because we are prompting you to. We know that it will get louder and louder until you do so because that is how you all set it up, and it was a good plan, and it still is.  

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Archangel Michael: When the Truth Emerges, the Core Issue Dissolves

In this excerpt from An Hour with an Angel in 2016, Archangel Michael discusses the value of (A) telling the truth and (B) having the agreement among our friends to tell the truth to each other.

Although he didn’t mention it here, he has on other occasions added to tell the truth with love. If it isn’t of love, he’s said, don’t say it. Challenging but fruitful.

Steve Beckow and AAM in “Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother: Harmony Between the Divine Feminine and Masculine and Patterning,” July 1, 2016, through Linda Dillon, at

Archangel Michael: You know there isn’t a great deal of talk upon your planet, most certainly not enough talk or discussion or practice, of honesty. Yes, you speak of clarity, you speak of transparency; but the honesty with your sacred self, and of course there will be days when you don’t feel like stepping forward, you don’t feel like being in the middle of the parade, and you certainly don’t feel like looking for the lost lamb.

And those are the days you should stay home and rest, or go out and play or eat ice cream. There is nothing wrong with that. But, I am not going to digress.

This honesty … is the foundation. Yes, we know it is of love, but let us be practical. And you have talked about this, all three of you, and many of you who listen to me this night.

You have to be honest. Yes, you have to be honest with each other. That does not mean ascendency. That does not mean that your honest opinion transcends or has authority over someone else’s opinion or experience.

You do not “honestly” get to translate what someone else is experiencing and going through, be it be a core issue or a broken heart. But, what it does mean is a community and a community of Gaians that does not live in fear or false illusions of what is polite or politically correct.

To honestly say, “I am observing this. I feel this,” you are not declaring that the person has to alter their behaviors. But what you are saying is given your frame of reference, whether you have been beheaded in every single lifetime, you are creating a new community where it is safe to express how you feel, what you observe.

And there is no charge about whether it is accurate, correct or incorrect. It is permission that you are freely, joyously, granting one another so that you stay on track and that everyone stays on track.

Dear Steve, this should delight you because it goes back to your roots of the “growth movement.” (1)

Steve Beckow: Definitely! What you’re saying absolutely tickles me. I wanted to add that if one did this, what you’re talking about, if one spoke truthfully after a vasana [core issue] goes off, [it’d be like] “I am triggered, I am angry, I don’t know why I am angry, it probably has nothing to do with you, but something’s gone off.” That is the answer, isn’t it?

You know, the truth will set us free. Even if we haven’t the whole truth at the moment, we’re getting there, and we’re getting there, and we’re getting there and experiencing more and more release. …

AAM: You are getting there. The truth is perhaps bigger (and I am not even talking about our frame of reference) than even in the human realm. The truth is also bigger than any of you initially suspects. But when you have permission – and it is a tacit and an active permission – to express one’s self, … when you honestly are truthful and honest with yourself and each other, the truth emerges, the core issue dissolves. And the joy and the love re-emerge.

SB: Right. And we don’t do that right now. Instead what we do is we try to look good and say things that might have an effect on the listener. It’s got nothing to do with the truth; it’s all a manipulation.


(1) What he’s recommending is just what the growth movement recommended. He’s describing what life was like for me in a three-month resident fellowship at a growth center.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - April 27, 2024

 Are You Very Awake? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Are You Very Awake? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very awake in the knowing of who we really are as aspects of Source, and when you are in the presence of beings who know this, that knowing does rub off on each individual. That means it is better for you to put yourself in the company of those who hold that knowing to be a truth and not a belief, and that is why people have sought a guru, or several gurus, throughout the course of their lives. These transmissions are not just about giving you teachings, spiritual practices or information. They are about giving you an attunement first and foremost. They are about being a reminder to all of you of who you really are as Source Energy Beings who are pretending to be human beings. 

You are essentially having a human experience, while also buying into the performance completely. You are method actors, playing your roles as perfectly as you possibly can, and we are no longer performing. We are continuing to remember completely who and what we really and offering that energetic transmission to anyone and everyone who is also interested in having that experience. Now, not everyone is. 

Some people, whether they know it or not, are still playing with this idea of self as one who is just a simple human being, and people need to do that in order to have very specific experiences. So when you wonder why so and so hasn’t awakened yet, and you think it is because you just haven’t been able to get through to them, think again. That soul still wants to have that experience, and has not awakened within the dream yet in order to give itself that particular human experience that can only be had in the asleep state. 

But you must be true to yourselves, and you must be true to your purpose there on Earth, and because we know you are awake spiritually, we can tell you that one of your biggest missions there on Earth is to just hold that knowing of who you really are, and then be in the presence of others who have yet to access that knowing within themselves for whatever reasons they have. Do not worry about them, because everyone will be all right, and everyone’s soul has experiences planned for them that will awaken them. Once you have had certain experiences enough, and you have gotten everything that you needed from those experiences, then there is no point in continuing to have the experience.

Let’s give you an example. Let’s say you were bullied as a child, and it affected your self esteem, your anxiety levels, and there is a lot of anger inside of you as a result of that bullying. Now, as an adult, you can still walk around in fear and anxiety about someone intimidating you, or oppressing you in some way, but if you deal with your trauma from your youth, you will not create that experience for yourself again. Therefore, it is good for you to recognize what you are carrying around in terms of fear, anxiety, anger, and so on, and it is good for you to release them by allowing yourselves to feel those energies, those emotions, moving through you. 

And then you can forgive the others who bullied you, and then you can release the fear and anxiety that you will be picked on in some way again, and then you will not attract those souls to you who will agree to play the role of your adult bully, because you will not need them to do that anymore. And then, you can start to make decisions about the types of people you do want to associate with and the types of people you do want to be around, and you can, and you can let their knowing of who they really are rub off on you and give you the attunements that you desire. We all want to hold that knowing of who we really are as much as possible, and we all can if we make the choices necessary to fully remember who we really are all the time, not just when the circumstances are perfect. And from where we sit, that’s where you all are right now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Messages from the Angels via Ann Albers - 04/27/2024 • Anger, fatigue, or flow?

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There are so many times when we wish you could see yourselves the way we see you. We wish you could see your light, your beauty, and how well you are all doing in your evolution. Many of you reading this are rare on your earth. There are few who truly understand themselves as vibrational beings, and those who do are still challenged to overcome the old three-dimensional conditioning. Many of you are the first generation to shift your understanding of the nature of reality. You are breaking new ground upon your earth by remembering how you intended to live before you came.  

You are, by example, helping others learn that life can be kinder and easier than most were led to believe. As you embrace the 5D paradigm of calibrating your energy to an outcome and acting only in a joyful flow (rather than the 3D paradigm of using effort alone), you will see things come to you in miraculous ways. Others will want to know what you are doing and why your lives are working more easily.

While you are learning to embrace this new paradigm, there will still be challenges along the way, as the old habits of thought conflict with your new understandings. There will be times when try as you may, it is difficult to focus on something pleasant. Love yourself anyway, as you are, for even choosing to love yourself when you feel less than loving will raise your vibration.

The past few years have driven all of you deeper into your hearts. That is why so many of you are suddenly intolerant of things you once settled for. So many of you are reconnecting with people who nourish your spirits and disconnecting from those who don't. Many of you are picking up new hobbies or getting rid of old commitments. 

There is a huge movement upon your planet, although not widely acknowledged, to dive deeper into your hearts and live more authentic lives. 

When, in a given moment, you are living in alignment with your heart and soul, you will feel energized, hopeful, or happy. When you are not in alignment, it is easy to feel sad or angry. When your flow is guiding you to act gently, and you try to "push the river," you'll feel the exhaustion of going against a current of love that is trying to help you achieve all your desires in a kind and loving way. When you are in alignment, feeling your feelings, accepting and loving yourself through them, you'll feel amazing. What you call "miracles" will flow to you.

Honoring your own personal flow of love is the most joyous feeling in the world. Resisting it is becoming more and more of a challenge.

This fast flow of love is also why so many on your planet are angry as of late. It is difficult in this fast-moving current to ignore or stuff your feelings. Those who have stuffed feelings for a lifetime are experiencing emotional "eruptions" as their hearts begin to awaken. 

For those who are aware of the value of their feelings, these emotional outbursts provide clarity and guidance that help them move back toward a path of greater joy.

For others, these feelings are upsetting as they look around and see they are not yet where they want to be.

For still others, the feelings are so upsetting that they look for someone or something to blame, often trying to find company in their unhappy state of being.

In all cases, your feelings tell you one and only one thing — how close or far you are from alignment with your heart, your soul, and the loving flow that guides you.  

Those who aim their anger at you "know not what they do." They don't yet understand that their anger is a result of their own misalignment. It is easier to blame someone else for unpleasant feelings. It takes more work to admit that the upset occurs because someone or something has made it difficult for you to focus in a way that feels like love. 

When you are upset, the quickest way out is to refocus on something or someone or some thought that feels more like love.

When someone aims their upset at you, or when you witness unthinkable behaviors around you, you still get to decide how much power to give them. You get to choose where and what you place your focus upon. As you refocus on something that feels better, the unkind or unthinkable behaviors become irrelevant to you. What matters more is focusing on anything that feels like love. Here, you will find not only your joy, your guidance, and your solutions, but in this vibration, you will also contribute to a better and more peaceful world. 

You can more effectively handle the situations and people in your life from a place of feeling good than when you allow them to manipulate your feelings or actions with lower behaviors. You can more effectively solve the world's problems in a vibration of loving solutions. You can more easily feel the presence of your dear ones in spirit when you reach for the vibration of love that they live within.

This fast-moving flow is also why many of you vacillate between incredible energy and passion at times and sheer exhaustion at others. When aligned with your heart, you will feel boundless energy. Fighting your natural impulse to feel good will be exhausting. Criticizing yourself or others causes resistance to love and will also tire you. 

The key to being re-energized is simpler than most think. Listen to your body. It has great wisdom. Listen to your mind when you receive an impulse to do something pleasant. Listen to your emotions and see them as barometers guiding you to a path of love.

Something as simple as listening to your body and taking a nap can rejuvenate you and make your whole day flow more easily.

Something as simple as craving a certain food and going to get it for dinner may give you the exact nutrients your body is calling for.  

The urge to explore a new hobby might lead you to the person you wanted to meet, or calling a person that pops into your mind might lead you to an answer you seek.

We guide you always, along the kindest path. When you listen to your heart you are close to that path. When you feel good, you are on that path. When you feel upset at anything or anyone, you're having a temporary wobble. The moment you refocus on something that feels better, you'll be back on track and receive our loving impulses.

Despite current appearances, your world is moving towards greater love. There are many growing pains as pe ple find their hearts coming to the surface as never before. So many don't know what to do with the strong feelings. But you do. You know they tell you a great deal about whether or not you are aligned with your heart, soul, and guidance. 

Give yourselves permission to feel good even when life is not as you wish, when people are not as you wish, and even when someone has been unkind to you. You need not join those in denser vibrations. You can, instead, choose a happier train of thought and, in so doing, grant yourself the freedom to live in a vibration of love. Here, on the path of heart, you will find the grace, goodness, and guidance you so dearly desire.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels