Friday, July 30, 2021

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - July 30, 2021

 We’re Preparing You for E.T. Contact ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

We’re Preparing You for E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have strengthened the bond between humanity and that which you consider to be extra-terrestrial. It is our intention to make it easier for all of you to have experiences with e.t. beings, whether they be in physical bodies or non-physical, like ourselves. We are taking our time here in warming you all up to full, open contact with e.t.s, because there are so many who are not ready for that experience. And we are only reaching a very small percentage of you who are there on Earth. And so, we plan to gradually increase the amount of energy that we transmit through this channel to bring you more gently into the full e.t. experience.

We have already opened many doorways through these transmissions, and we are continuing to do so as we connect with many of you individually. We are becoming more active, like the Pleiadians have been for quite some time, because we see the opening that the connection you all have to Pleiadians has created. We will continue to help all of you recognize that you are in fact extra-terrestrial beings, hybrids, and that you are all multi-dimensional.

Many individuals who receive these transmissions from us know that intellectually, but have yet to experience it on the physical level. And so, we invite all of you to think about the types of experiences that you want to have with e.t.s and to put your wish list out to let all of the benevolent e.t. beings know that you are available. You are the ones who are mostly cut off from the rest of the beings in this galaxy, and so you are the ones who get to determine the speed at which you march to that inevitable future where there is full and open contact.

We are just one group of many who are working on making this transition an easy and joyous one for humanity. As you absorb the energetic transmissions that come along with the words spoken by the channel, you ready yourself for more. And of course, many of you have had your Arcturian DNA activated by absorbing all that we are offering here in these messages. And the number of you who will get those activations is going to increase with each passing day.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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