Friday, July 30, 2021

What's Your Hurry?

Heavenletter #678 

God said:

Fatigue may mean many things, that you need more rest, that there is something you don't want to look at, that you are giving out more energy than you take in, that you are not wide awake, that something needs attention. Perhaps there are more reasons, but those are the only ones that occur to Me right now.

We know very well that spirit has more significance than the body, but the body is not to be used up without remorse. The body is not to be run roughshod over. If you had a horse, you would see that it got rest. You would not overwork it. You would not beat it beyond its endurance. You would not be merciless after it couldn't stand any longer. Be as good to your body as you would be to a horse.

While you are housed in your body, you are the only one who can listen to it and give it what it asks. You have some responsibility to this temporary abode of yours.

There is no performance that has to be proven. You don't have to run a hundred miles. You don't have to catch up to time or space. What is so wonderful about coming in first if you are all worn out and bedraggled?

In life, you do not run a race. There is nothing you are trying to catch. The brass ring is in sight. You don't have to chase after it. It will fetch itself.

Let what you want come to you. Move aside. Make room for it. If you are haunting every doorway, it is harder for fulfillment to enter. If you run yourself ragged, how will you even be aware of what is on your doorstep?

Nothing has to happen today. Or tomorrow. Nothing has to happen. What happens, happens. All your pushing and shoving doesn't really make it happen sooner or better. You don't make the sun to rise or set. Events are not dependent upon you. Easily make your marks, and then let go of them. Your actions have their own fate. Your actions are only part of the story. Some things you have to learn to leave to themselves.

When you throw a ball, you can't hold it. Once it's thrown, it's out of your hands. Once again, We are talking about control. Control is that ravager that is hard for you to let go of. It sticks to your fingers. It lassoes you. You think you've wrapped it, but it's got you all tangled. Unflex your muscles of control, and control withdraws. You cannot control and be relaxed at the same time. Take your choice. Rigor or ease. Entanglement or freedom.

Have you grabbed the reins of life?

Drop them.

They are not yours.

Control is no answer. Letting go of control gives better results.

Letting go of control is being more in harmony with life. Stop putting your back up against it. You don't have to carry life. Let it carry you. For what do you struggle? What do you think is at the end of it?

You have been out of your element. Roll over in joy to give the controls to Me. I am in My element. Taking care of life is My domain. It is not yours. Remember that your domain is joy. That is what you make happen. Let joy be your priority and not all the demands of the world. What's your hurry? You control nothing but your own pace. Lope.

Treat yourself as you would a visitor. Treat yourself as you would if you knew I was right there with you. With Me next to you, why on earth would you pressure yourself? You're not going to get ahead of Me anyway. I take My time. All in My good time. Sit back and enjoy what I have in store for you.

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