Saturday, October 12, 2024

Your Holy Acceptance - Heavenletter #295

God said:

Christ lingers in the world. That is to say that he continues his ministry. He calls you to him as a disciple. He is light calling to light. He is vibration calling to vibration. He is the sound of My voice repeated through his own. He echoes My every word. He hums the song I sing.

You barely hear it, but you hear it.

We can say that Christ and I are a duet. But I long for a choir of Christs.

You apologize and say you don't sing very well.

My song is easy to follow.

When you sing My song, your voice is beautiful enough. It is not you who is listened to. It is My song.

If I asked you to carry a pebble for Me, you would. You would not say no. But when I ask you to carry My tune, you shirk away. It does not matter what I ask of you. What matters is I ask, and I ask you. It is you I am talking to.

I ask for your help right now to deliver some envelopes. That is all I ask. And that is all I asked Christ.

I ask you to stand up beside Me. What is there for you to think about? Whether you want to? What it might cost? Where it might lead you?

God is talking to you. Don't turn away. You have desired Me. Have you desired Me only in the future? The future is now. I am before you.

You have asked for Me, and I have come. And now I ask for you.

I ask you to stand up and be counted. It is your heart that steps up. Say My name and make it yours.

You have been drafted.

My draft is volunteer.

I have volunteered you into My service.

Would you malinger?

Will you wait until you are an old man to join Me?

Why would I ask you to join Me? Why would God Almighty ask for you by name? What service can you possibly give to the Creator of All?

I am the Creator of All. I am also the Server of All. And I offer you a canapé. I offer you a drink. I offer you My name. I am in service to you.

I call you to My side for your sake. I call you to Truth because you need it and it is here for you. I call you to your truth. I call you to recognize your own name.

That is My Will, that you know Who you are.

Recognize yourself.

Rise to your rightful stature.

Rise to the Sun and become it.

Remove all that is not light, and you are the Sun.

Rise to the occasion of My love.

We have an appointment, you and I, and I am keeping it. And I will wait for you. No matter how long I have to wait, I will wait. I wait for you on the corner. Appear now.

You are not sure which corner, you say.

Any corner will do. Any step towards Me will reach Me.

I pull you by the scruff of your neck. Do not cower. Do not cringe. Just come to Our assignation. There is room for all. How many angels dance on the top of a pin? As many as will come.

Let Me lead you. Don't worry about where We are going or what you will have to do.

Leave everything behind you. That does not mean to leave your spot right now. It does not mean to leave your house and your furnishings and belongings and people you love. It means to leave the past. It means to let go of ideas that kept you in thrall. It means to join forces with Me which means to accept My love and share it by your holy acceptance of it.

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