Monday, October 7, 2024

Non-Judgement with the Buddha through Linda Dillon - October 6, 2024

The Universal Law of Attachment & Detachment with the Buddha, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love:

Being the Observer with Our Hearts

The Buddha: We simply sit, and in our energy we bless each being that passes by.

Now, what do I mean by this?

I mean that you bless each person, not simply with compassion, but with the Love of your heart.

You do not attach to either your vision or theirs.

This is a very important understanding for humanity that has an infamous tendency to get caught up in the drama of both their own lives, and certainly of others, as well.

That is why it is so critical at this juncture that you truly learn to be the Observer because when you are fully anchored as the Observer, you are in detachment.

You are simply watching, and when I use the word ‘watching,’ I certainly do not simply mean with your eyes or even your etheric eyes, I mean with your heart.

So it is not that you are simply watching and gathering information.

You are truly observing and seeing into a person’s heart, their mind, their soul, their frequency, their struggles, their joys, and you are Loving them.

This is one of the first steps of unity consciousness and it is a critical step in your journey.

Practising Detachment

You are practising, and because it does not always, shall we say fully anchor, you are being critical of yourself, and, of course, that is a form of attachment, is it not?

To be attached to the criticism that you are not quite doing (‘not good enough’) but that is not so.

It is a matter of keep going.

As you know, I talk a great deal about the diligence and the practice and the continuation and the ability to be in the stillness.

So, when you go to your meditation, simply turn off your eyes, your nose, your ears, and come to the true place of being, and then when you are done with that, when you reopen your human eyes, stay in this place of no senses and no input, because the frustration with the human condition, it does not serve.

It does not serve you and it does not serve them, so it is the frustration that you are cutting out and how you do that is in the waking, walking, being.

Meditation is to simply stay in the place of being blind.

The Hathors through Daniel Scranton:
Forgiveness Means Letting Go of Judgement

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