Saturday, July 13, 2024

Messages from the Angels via Ann Albers - 07/13/2024 • Loving through the tough stuff

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Never in your existence could you ever fail in the eyes of the Divine. You are eternal beings. You come to earth for the pure joy of creation. You come to learn. You come to expand, evolve, and allow more love to flow to you and through you. Love is the name of your earthly game, and no tangible thing that you accomplish will ever be more important than the countless ways you can experience and express love. 

We are not talking about the human idea of romantic love. That is only one of countless possible expressions of Divine love. If you take a bite out of a warm piece of bread and savor the taste, the Divine, expressed within that bread, meets the Divine within you and experiences itself in a whole new and amazing way.

If you walk barefoot on the cool grass and take a moment to savor its softness, nurturing your feet and connecting you with the earth, it becomes a symphony of love. The Divine within the earth feels the Divine within your feet and greets the Divine within the grass.

The reason you so dearly desire the love and approval of others is because, within their favorable gaze upon you, you feel the favor of God. Within their approval, you feel God's approval. Within their love, you feel God's love. There is only one love, dear ones, and it can come through the eyes of a lover, your child, your kitty, your dog, the sunrise, your coffee, or countless other expressions of this One.

Most of you were trained to value what you do, and of course, there is value in enjoying your accomplishments, your service, and your recreation. Most of these activities are beautiful expressions of love. However, so is resting, napping, and just "being" when these are the things you are authentically called to do.  We would implore you to refrain from judging yourselves based on productivity and instead set your measure of success to one simple criterion: Am I experiencing or expressing love in even the smallest of ways?

You have been taught to push love away in so many ways. We marvel at how humanity has devised methods to push away Divine love and attempt to "grab" it from one another. Divine Love is the sun that eternally attempts to shine in your hearts. You feel good when you align with the vibration of love. You feel bad when you do not.

We have said this many times: there is a huge difference between "like" and "love" as we define it. You like certain foods and not others. You like certain behaviors and not others. You like certain people and not others. That is ok! You came for the contrast. It propels you closer to your own heart and helps you figure out the experiences that you do wish to create.

You do not have to like and eat every food to keep your body healthy and happy. You simply have to find that which nourishes and pleases you. Likewise, you do not have to like everything or everyone to be in a vibration of love. You simply have to turn your thoughts to who or what you can love, and then you will nourish your soul, enjoy your life, and experience the love you came to embrace and share.

So turn away from that which does not feel like love and set your sights on that which does. If the behavior of others bothers you, look at the behavior of those who please you. If someone living in your house or at your workplace is upsetting, consider the fact that there are those who are kind. If you love someone but can't stand their behavior, turn your sights to the things you do like about them.

In every person or situation, there will be things you like and things you do not, but in every case, you can find something in your present moment that will help you attune to the vibration of love—if only by choosing a pleasing thought.

Sometimes, you are in a moment where love is easy to find. Sometimes, you are in a moment when love seems hidden. It is there, nonetheless. Sometimes, people make it easy for you to love, and other times, you have to stretch, reach, and be creative to find something to love in their presence. Nonetheless, the vibration of love is present. The Divine is streaming love at all times, and you can, if you are willing, find a way to tap into it, either by looking for it or flowing it from your heart.

You don't do this for others, dear ones, although they will benefit. You don't do it for the world, although the world always benefits from your love. You do it because you feel good when aligned with your true nature and not so good when you are not. You do it because you are powerful when attuned to love. You do it because you can perceive your guidance in the vibration of love.

Grant yourself permission to attune to love even in the tough times because you deserve to feel good. You deserve to feel guided. You deserve to know the stream of love and life that creates you flowing to you and through you, for in that stream, all is made new.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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