When you feel the need for inspiration, this is a good time for you to inspire someone else. Your need is a signal to give that which you wish to receive. Fill another's lack. That is so simple and so wise and so often not considered. Whatever you feel you are lacking today, give some of it to someone else. Make them happy.
If you are concerned about money, help someone out with money. If you are concerned about loneliness, find someone lonely to be company to. If you feel unrecognized, unnoticed, overlooked, neglected, give someone else some good attention. Look them in the eye. Give what you want.
You don't do this with thought of return because that's too much thinking about yourself and might make you pout. Your concern has to be with giving, not getting. Whatever you feel you have been missing, supply it to someone else, and then let go of it. As you well know, it is time for you to get attention off yourself. It has been too much there. It has been a habit like any other.
You are a miracle in life, and miracles are not centered on what to accrue. You have wonders to perform, so perform them.
What if it is really true that you are My emissary? What do emissaries do? They emit. They are not waiting for something to come to them. They are not pleading for messages. They are the givers of them. How simple that is! You are a giver on My behalf.
Whatever you think is the greatest error perpetuated upon you, then it is for you to give the opposite. If you were treated cruelly, then you give kindness to someone else. If you were given extreme cruelty, then you give extreme kindness to someone else. If you were beaten, then you soothe someone else's wounds.
If, on the other hand, you were treated with great kindness, then return even greater to one who has need of it. There is no one who does not. If you have never known want, multiply yourself and remove want from others. Whatever your past, whatever your present situation, it is for you to be bountiful.
If you have been fortunate, make someone else fortunate. Make many fortunate. Make others equal to you in good fortune. You owe this to yourself.
Make sure that you let go of the thought that someone one else owes you. Thoughts of being owed are a plague. You are not owed honor or gratitude or anything else. Often you have been carrying in your heart what is owed to you. Now I am telling you that nothing is owed to you. Accept this, and a great burden will be lifted from you. How much happier you will be when you free others! This is the meaning of forgiving others their trespasses and debts. The reality is that you are not a lender. You are a giver. You do not count what you give the way you routinely count change. Counting how much you give is not giving.
If you do not feel happy giving to another, then you are not quite giving. You are holding. You are holding something back. Today you will learn to give away. And you will give freely. And you will know joy once again.
It may help to remember that you give to Me. I am the ultimate Receiver. All that you do for another, you do for Me, and, therefore, yourself.
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