Sunday, August 8, 2021

Where Love Is

Heavenletter #687 

God said:

The sun and the moon are reflected in your eyes. You shine sun and moon all at once. You are soft white gold and you are bright burnished gold. You are many aspects of the One.

I dropped everything onto earth. I withheld nothing. You scrambled to pick up all you could find, like manna from Heaven. Are you not a gatherer on earth? There is one treasure you seek most of all. Your heart is not stilled until you find it.

Perhaps unnamed, unidentified, or called by many names, it is love you seek to find, and whether you know it or not, it is love you seek to give. You desire to be like Me, a scatterer of love. The great love you wish to befall you is your own. Because you seek to discover the love in your own heart, you seek objects for your love to fall on so that you may see the love that spills from your heart.

Somewhere in the back of your mind is the clear knowledge that you are love. Beneath all the trappings of discontent and dissembling, you know you are love and you long to realize fully that which you are in truth.

It is your own disbelief in your self that causes you unhappiness.

You consider you have wasted your time because your focus has not been on the truth of you. It has been on other things. It has taken excursions from the heart of you. Deeply you know that your heart is your agenda and yet that you have put other gods before it.

But I have good news for you. The love in your heart is inescapable. It is there. It is always there. Perhaps hampered, neglected, misunderstood, it is still ever there. Like Me is your heart, imperishable. But like Me, it is seen as impenetrable or perhaps obscure.

But there is no mystery to your heart. The mystery is that you have been so long away from it.

You know that I am in your heart, and it is through your heart that you fathom the depths of Me. Your mind cannot find Me. It can only talk about Me and all round me. The mind runs down itemized columns and checks Me off. Oh, but the heart, it flows. The heart is much more direct than the mind. It goes to its Source.

Your love has gone hither and yon, everywhere and nowhere. It comes back to itself bewildered. Your heart has foraged everywhere for its love. It has looked everywhere but in its own larder. The storehouse of your heart is chock full. Only you have to take it out. You have to lay it out. You have to let it see the light of the sun and the light of the moon. Your love needs to be unearthed.

You have been looking for where your love will fall. Now look for where your love is, not what it issues itself to. Your love does not exist because of any object it finds. Your love exists regardless of what it alights on. The subject is love. You are the subject of love. You are the emanater of love. You are a great emanater of love, and your love does not depend upon objects to fulfill it.

I am not telling you to withdraw your love from any object. Let it land everywhere it likes to be. But when you can know that you are love extant, independent of the pitter-patter of other hearts, then you are not attached, and you do not attach others to yourself. You love freely. And so your love becomes Love, and Our hearts beat as One.

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