Sunday, August 8, 2021

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - August 8, 2021

 What Happens After the Lionsgate Portal ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

What Happens After the Lionsgate Portal ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in a constant state of lucid dreaming where we exist in the nonphysical, ninth-dimensional realm. We can create and experience anything that we want and have it be instantaneous, because of the lack of density. It’s not a complete lack of density, but from your perspective there would be none. It is still the case for us that we want to have certain experiences. We want to create, and then we want to experience what we create, and it’s just easier where we are because there is no time lag. We see, feel, and experience everything immediately after its conception.

You are moving closer and closer to that experience on your world every day, and one of the many benefits of this Lionsgate portal being open is that the time lag is shorter for all of you, and it always will be from this point forward. That is the direction you are all moving in at all times, but you are getting a much bigger boost from this particular Lionsgate portal opening because all of us in the higher realms have decided that it was time for people to really know the truth that what they put out energetically will come back to them. And when those turnaround times are sped up, you can get a bit more particular about what you put out.

It is time for you to realize what’s happening, in addition to of course realizing who you really are as Source Energy Beings, as beings of unconditional love who create one hundred percent of your reality. That is all very important as well, and as you move forth from this Lionsgate portal, you will notice that manifestations are coming to you sooner and sooner.

And so, it really does behoove you to pay attention to what’s going on inside of you, since many of you are spending a lot more time inside your homes now, and you tend to turn on your devices to see what’s going on, you are much more easily influenced into believing in a reality or a future reality. And that really doesn’t serve you now that manifestation times are speeding up, because most of what is written about your future is not positive. People are seeing down timelines filled with doom and gloom, or they are just making things up because they want to be important.

We tell you that you are important as Source Energy Beings and that you can create your reality, and yet some of you still look for what so-and-so is saying will happen. It’s time to stop doing that and start taking responsibility for what you create. And again, things speeding up will help you accomplish that goal. You are going to get better and better at focusing and manifesting, and we are going to watch you like proud parents from high above, realizing that we played a small role in getting you to where you are going. But we will give you the vast majority of the credit, because you are the ones living those challenging lives there on Earth and having to experience so much to grow as fast as you need to grow to complete the shift to the fifth dimension.

And we know you will. We have no doubt about it, even with all the doom and gloom predictions that are meant to sway you in a particular direction that you were never meant to go in, but everyone there on Earth right now can course correct and choose the better-feeling timeline that’s lighting up in front of all of you and paying attention to what’s going on inside of you is the key, as always, to living that better life, and you can also create a better future for your fellow humans while you are at it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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