Thursday, August 12, 2021

God Asks Only One Thing

Heavenletter #691 

God said:

The heart of what I give you in these messages is not the message itself. What you extract from My letters may be succinct and wonderful, but it is only a thimbleful of what I give you. I pour down love upon you and a certain lyric wisdom far more than any words you extract. My messages here are far more than their message. Messages are not enough. Knowing all the messages in the world is not enough. The message I give you is more than any synopsis of it. What I give you cannot be defined. The intellect extracts. The heart receives. There is nothing for you to learn here but to be with Me. The heart of My messages cannot be contained in words. The words are peripheral to My heart.

We could say My giving you a Heavenletter is like My braiding your hair. I take your hair in My hands, and every touch of My hand, every turn and twist to your hair that I give, every pull, every overlap, every smoothing, every lift of your hair lifts something in you. I braid your hair. I touch your hair and move it, and some I do over, and My act of braiding affects more than your tresses. You sit while I braid. The braiding of My love runs through your hair and it runs through you. When We are done, the finished braid is lovely, but the act of braiding is more than any product of it.

My letters are a process for you to enter into. Consider them a meal I serve to you. Would you pick at the food I put before you? Would you push the plate away? And is not the experience of tasting what I put before you more than the food itself or the vitamins it contains? I engage you on more than one level.

If a meal I put before you on one day is not to your liking, is there not value in your having sat down with Me? Would you not sit down with Me? We do not have to speak, or We can engage in idle chatter, or We can talk in circles, or We can hit the nail on the head. What does it matter? It matters that We sit together.

We are together for the engagement of Ourselves. We sit and hold hands. That is enough. A few moments with Me goes a long way. You do not necessarily know what you take away from Our meeting.

Do not study Me. You have done enough studying in your life. I am not to be studied. Do not particularize Me.

Be My love, won't you?

What is My message here for you today? Forget about it. Just be with Me, and allow Me to take you places. Do not sit up so straight. Do not take notes. Just rest in Me.

Let Me tug at your heart. Let Me weave whatever I weave. Let Me pat your brow. Let Me pull worry lines away. Let Me enjoy these few moments with you. What are you in a rush to learn? What must you complete so soon? Just abide with Me.

Don't run past Me. Don't just grab a packed lunch. Sit down with Me, and let Me weave My love for you. What is your hurry to gain something from Me? Just let Me enjoy you.

Give Me your heart, not your mind. There is enough mind in the world and perhaps not enough heart. In any case, I ask for your heart. I wish to entwine it with Mine. Let Our hearts rub elbows. Sit down with Me a while.

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