Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Want More Energy?

Heavenletter #447 

God said:

It is a question of energy.

All energy comes from Me, and yet it is passed to you and through you, and so the energy of the world revolves. You do not claim another's energy. It belongs to them, and yours belongs to you, and you remember that all energy is from Me. I will give you more.

My energy is never depleted.

I am from where your energy comes. Not the candy bar. Not someone else. My energy may pass through another to you, but remember the Source.

Do not feed off other people, or you weaken them. You are to be a strengthener of others.

You will have great energy when you do what is yours to do. Not doing takes away from your energy. Accumulation takes away from your energy. Letting go refurbishes your energy, My energy that is replete within you.

If you had 100% energy available to you, what would you do? And what would you not do?

If you had 100% energy available to you, how would you make your life different?

But do not wait to summon energy forth. Follow your path, and you will be focused energy.

Energy is light, and you are light. And you are meant to shine My light for all to see. The more you shine My light, the more of My light is usable for you.

You already have 100% energy, but you have dragged it. You have stored it. You have regulated it. You have kept it down. Release My energy that is within you.

Lack of knowledge of reason for being has kept you deflated. You do not have to inflate yourself. Just stop pushing yourself down.

There is an horizon you are moving towards. Move toward it. Don't drift. Don't dally. Don't equivocate. Hop on.

When you resist the beating of My drum, you are tired. You are carrying too much on yourself, and so you drag.

The weight you carry is in your mind. You think you are a lonely carrier of the world, and that you carry it across a desert.

You are a carrier of the world, but it is not weighted. You are the world, and you carry only yourself.

Be resourceful. Lighten that load your imagination has carried. There are no dead-ends for you. There are no obstacles. Take flight from past thoughts. Limited thinking is your only obstacle. This is true what I tell you.

When you do not pay attention to strewed obstacles in your path, you will flourish. Nothing can stop a child of Mine except that which he gives credence to.

Give credence to Me, for I will never stop you. I will lift you. I will sweep you on. I will give you momentum, and you will fly to your good.

You have been dragging your feet, for one reason or another, none of which is valid.

If you cannot believe in yourself right now, believe in Me. I will champion you. I do champion you. That is what I do. I give Myself to you so that you may whiz ahead. You don't need Me to stay where you are. You don't need Me to go backwards. Only to go forward, do you need My vision, My vision of you. I champion only champions. Have a new picture of yourself. Picture yourself racing ahead. Picture yourself leading. Picture yourself following Me.

Look to Me more than you look to the world. The world will not propel you. Consider the world mass ego, and you will begin to nourish the world from afar. You are here to sustain the earth, and you do it by looking to Me.


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