Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Sea Brink

Heavenletter #462 

God said:

You do not taste the waters only by looking at them. Looking at the waters from a distance is a good thing, but then you need to move towards that good which you see before you. It is necessary to get up and move towards the beautiful waters. And then you are at the brink of the sea. Now you drink. Now you enter the beautiful waters of innocence, and you immerse yourself in the sea.

You think this is a great change, to step into the holy waters of God, but it is truly recognition of where you have been immersed all along. You have been in a dream where you thought you were elsewhere. You find that there is no elsewhere.

Meanwhile, you venture into the sea of God that you have come upon. At first you may float, but you will find that you are a swimmer in the sea of God. You are a golden dolphin who swims there. With Me is your natural habitat.

My ocean is all that there is. Honor Me with your presence. Do not stay away out of deference. Do not defer to a later time. Do not delay the refreshment of My heart. Do not deny your restoration which is no restoration at all but revealment.

When you swim in the sea of My love, all else washes away, for nothing can compare to Our immersion. You enter your memory of Me, and you are awash in the joy of My love.

The waves of the sea lap to the shore, calling you to them. The waters are My love manifested. The waves of My love are the sirens that call you. It is the sea itself that calls you.

When you enter the Kingdom of My Sea, you do not drown. You begin to breathe. You breathe in golden light, and you breathe out chimeras of golden light.

Eyes open, eyes closed makes no difference. You have seen the gold of My light and seen that it is yours, given to you in the fullness of eternity.

You have not quite dared to enter the palace of My sea before now. You feared you were an outsider. Even as an invited player, you felt you had barged in to a party made for others but not for you. Now you begin to know you belong where I am. No longer do you feel like an imposter. To My right, you see your name card in bright letters, and your face lights up.

Holy is the invitation I extend to you. My invitation to you is not an invitation to go somewhere. It is an invitation to return your awareness to Me. It is an invitation to enliven yourself where you are.

There has been a veil over your eyes. My love washes away the veil like day washes over night. Avert your eyes from Mine no longer. My gaze will not petrify you. My gaze will enliven you. You have been waiting for My gaze all the while, but My gaze has been there. Dare to look up and meet My gaze.

I caught your eye long ago, and you looked away in shame. What is shame but a sense of unworthiness. Your face reddens because you think there is something that will be found out about you. You think you are set apart from Me because of some condition. The only condition that can keep you away from your recognition of Me is ego. But ego is not your name.

I whisper your name to you now. Do you hear it? Even if you hear faintly, you have heard. Lean your ear a little closer to My lips, and you will hear nothing else. Come, leave the brink. The brink of the sea is not the sea. Enter the waters and engage with Me.

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