Sunday, December 6, 2020

Ivo of Vega: Forgiveness as a Way of Life

Forgiveness as a Way of Life, not a Solution for a Problem

by Sharon Stewart

Me: So I’m to forgive people before they even open their mouths?

Ivo: Forgiveness is a way of seeing the carrying out of what you have been seeing as flaws. People behave in ways you interpret as being flawed; what if they are not flaws? What your world is suffering from is ignorance and the people who are ignorant are not even the cause of this ignorance.

Ignorance is lack of Light. Your world has descended into Darkness. And for that, they should be held accountable? Yes, Karma will hold all accountable for their transgressions of universal law.

Have your people not paid enough of a price? They have been taken to the brink of destruction and have only survived by a thin margin. Some will not. They were almost made extinct due to their own low frequency. Those who came from higher realms saved the planet just by being on it and bringing in their renewing higher energies to keep the planet from destruction.

Duality was created for you to understand those of lower frequency, but to master being of higher frequency within it. That is the true meaning of duality. To be able to hold that level of integrity.

Many believe that duality is simply a system of positivity versus negativity. It is not. Unless you master it now, there is no moving on to 5D. Jesus was such a master. He held his high frequency and saw all through the eyes of love. Understanding his inherent power, he had no need to fear anyone. Fear is part of the ignorance that has been perpetrated upon you.

The fact that you have come up through the lower levels and have taken on board the ignorance of those who taught you, does not mean it cannot be cast off.

Your therapists and coaches offer many ways of dealing with these third dimensional ways of life, however your goal is to rise above it. You do not need to listen to therapists and coaches any longer. You are not in need of them when you decide to align with higher frequencies. Some still need to deal more positively with their third dimensional way of life in order to ascend it. Some do not. Some can follow the way of the Christ and accept forgiveness as a state of mind.

The way to master duality is to forgive. To forgive yourself for all your acts of ignorance, thoughts of ignorance, and to forgive others their acts of ignorance. When you do, reality changes.

Me: I guess you practice forgiveness with me, some of the things I do. LOL

Ivo: I do not see you as being flawed in any way; I see you as being of ignorance and that is not an insult. You need more Light. You are not holding enough.

Me: So how do you practice forgiveness daily?

Ivo: It would be best to establish a routine. First of all, prayer would be a good start. Meditation also works when you meditate on forgiveness as a state of mind, as a level of vibration. Ask that you be allowed to reside at this higher state of mind.

No, my love, the forgiveness prayers have it all wrong. They are about forgiving sins. You are not sinners, you are living at a frequency too low to sustain normal human life.

You do not have the environment around you that would allow you to live a normal incarnated life. With these things removed, you are off balance. That is your only sin.

Okay, can we re-write this prayer then?

Ivo: Very well.

Father, bless me with the wonderful power of forgiveness. …. that is fine.

Give me the grace to unconditionally forgive those who have done me wrong…. This is not a good part of a prayer for forgiveness because it states that people are wrongdoers. They are not. A better sentence would be:

Give me the grace to see life through your eyes of unconditional grace. … .This is a change in perception we are asking for, not a correction of the wrongdoings of ourselves and others.

Me: Aha.

Give me the strength to let go of all ill will…. yes, a good request.

The strength to forgive myself of my own failings… no.

Ask for: The strength to forgive my incorrect perception, perhaps.

Knowing that you have already forgiven me. No. God does not have to forgive because He never condemns you.

And to have the knowing that your all encompassing love is mine to have as well.

Free me of anger, bitterness, hate unforgiveness…. if this is necessary.

Or perhaps: Strengthen me to see life as if through your loving eyes.Me: Cool! What do we have then? Let’s do the whole prayer.

Here’s the old one:

Father, bless me with the wonderful power of forgiveness,
give me the grace to unconditionally forgive those
who have done me wrong.
Give me the strength to let go of
all ill will, the strength to forgive
myself of my own failings and sins,
knowing that you have already forgiven me.
Free me of all anger, bitterness, hate and unforgiveness.Now, our version:Father, bless me with the wonderful power of forgiveness
Give me the grace to see life through your eyes of unconditional grace
Remind me that my life is of my own creation
and that I create all who are in it
and that I create all that occurs within it
and it is all for the learning, all meant in love
Please give me the strength to let go of all ill will
and the hatred of my own Creation and my refusal to let go
of old ideas that no longer serve me
Please give me the strength
to forgive my incorrect perception
And to have the knowing that your all encompassing love
is mine to have as well.
Free me of anger, bitterness, hate, unforgiveness
Strengthen me to see life as if through your loving eyes.

Me: I really feel something shift when I say this. Today in the cell phone store I took on a blast of negative energy from the woman who thought I was giving her a hard time. I’ve learned a lot through my lifetime and that is many people don’t want to be bothered helping you; they’d rather send you elsewhere so they blame someone else. If they don’t know, it’s always someone else’s fault.

I spent my lifetime in negativity learning how it affects people.I understand how people work, but coming from a place of forgiveness when I’ve had a couple of rough days myself is hard.

Ivo: Keep saying the prayer. If you would like to be loving and not be moved out of a space of being loving with cranky salespeople, then keep saying the prayer.

Me: I put it up on a separate page on our website.

Ivo: Very good, my love. Keep resting and keep understanding your mood.

Me: I’m in it because the sun’s gone behind a deck of chemtrails – AGAIN – and because I’ve been doing work at night that leaves me crabby in the morning.

Ivo: I realize this, my love. You are transmuting much negativity on earth, trying to prepare it for the December 21st portal. Many of you are, so you may be feeling out of sorts these days.

Me: We’re so close. And my new favourite person ever is General Flynn because he says that the deep state have to be dealt with in the next few weeks otherwise America will be lost forever. Go, go, go! Then he said that the gallows, the guillotine and the electric chair are being dusted off because of this as well.

I’m not big on capital punishment but I realize that the charge of treason is punishable by death in the States. So whatever they feel they have to do. I think most of these players are clones anyway. The real ones are already dead.

Ivo: It will be interesting. The Age of Aquarius is upon us and the next agenda after GESARA compliance will be disclosure of the truth, and extraterrestrials are part of that.

Me: I would say this world is really interesting if it weren’t so difficult to live in.

Ivo: Yes. There is a reason the life span of a human is not that long on earth.

Me: Yes, it wears you down.

Ivo: Very well, my love, rest up. For those of you who may have observed the difference in our messages lately, understand with the rising energies old programming is being rendered ineffective.

Instead of dealing with shame-based mindsets compliments of mind control programming, we are now asking you to see life through the higher frequencies of forgiveness and love.

This is why the messages about seeing yourself and others as perfect are coming out. Those of you who are less affected by these relinquishing programs can now step up to higher frequency thinking.

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