Thursday, November 10, 2016

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Highly recommend participating in this call tomorrow, it is at 2 pm U.S. Eastern time, but you can also easily participate afterwards by listening to the transmission. Your Higher Self will be in attendance. We working together to remove the program of lack from human consciousness. Cannot recommend Jen McCarty enough. She is the real deal. Come participate if you can. The more that are gathered, the more energetic strength we create from. Love, Nicole Gans Singer
8. Nov, 2016
Twin Flame energy report.......11.11 Twin Flame Portal activation
Dearest beloveds,
Sincerest blessings of the most high, again such an auspicious moment to gather, to come together to shine a light on the current cosmic picture that is unfolding within the higher third dimensional planes of consciousness as we speak……..currently many of you will be aware that a profound wave of purification is washing over humanity at this time, cleansing timelines and deeply held patterns that have kept God's children's consciousness hooked into ego identification for millennia.

The shackles of this great burden are receiving a mighty cleanse at this time, and the 11:11 portal is the activation gateway that actualises this…. This gateway has been decreed to bring in lasting and profound changes within the personal and collective consciousness field of humanity, Dear ones, it has been ordained by the great masters of light that the virus program that will be removed completely from humanity's consciousness on this auspicious date will be the corrupt and untruthful program of lack. It has been decreed that the light circle that has been called to gather together on this auspicious date will act as the conduits and ultimately the ushers in, of the brand-new higher vibrational blueprint which will align all beings with the living template of source connection, and alignment to ones I Am presence.

There is much transformation abound on this 11:11 activation portal date, and it is highly appropriate and strongly advised to gather together on this date in your soul groups in order to initiate and activate this potent cleanse and rebirth.

As many of you know a group of awakened planetary elders have been called to come together on this date (please see full details below) to implement the programme that insures all of humanity receives what is known as a universal income, this ideal is currently being reviewed in Switzerland and Canada and those citizens are aligning to receive approximately €2000 per month to cover basic living needs.

Please remember beloveds it is the right of all God's children to receive a basic income in order to live freely and be able to focus on one's creative gifts and expression, and this is why we have been guided to come together on the 11.11 to facilitate a clearing of the program of lack entirely from the energy fields within the personal and collective consciousness of Gaia's beloved children…….
At this point it is appropiate for us to remind you that it is this program of lack which lies at the root of why many twin flames are in physical separation from each other, and therefore the highest masters of light have decreed that the 11:11 portal activation date once and for all address this very important issue.

We cannot stress the significance of the transformation that is possible when we come together at these times and send our intentions into the zero point field of all potential….. now is the time beloveds to be gathering with your brethren to activate ancient memories of your manifestation powers……..

Dearest one we are so excited with what we see before us ……… Awakening is now beloveds......... To bemoan one's experience is always a choice, a choice that leads to suffering....... some could even say eternal suffering.... until……. one day the initiate remembers….. it has always been a choice….. and It is my responciblity to choose to be awake…….. to choose to remember....... and in this now moment,empower the voice of my inner being, and allow her legacy to be lived out in the third dimension….

Beloveds it is not possible for another to show up and offer you the key to your eternal salvation as it has only ever been you who has possessed the key all along…... and the key is to remember to choose…... to choose to remember……. remember to listen deeply to the voice of your heart and remember to love yourself completely…….. only you possess the keys to unlock the door to the fifth dimension, the realm beyond duality, beyond suffering, and the key will always be choice

So dear ones receive these sacred words with the presence of the beloved I Am that you are…….. come forth and be part of the 11.11 transmission whereby we will be decoding the mystery behind the 11:11 phenomena and decoding the mystery behind synchronicity...... asking questions such as what is synchronicity and why is it such a prolific occurrence for those of us on the awakened and awakening path.

If you feel like you would love to be part of this powerful network of light tribe twin flames or indeed if you believe you are meant to be part of this great gathering please know your presence is valued and deeply appreciated. This is a time of transformation for many twin flames, the likes of which have only been imagined, this is a moment of endings and new beginning and here we must mention that the divine masculine polarity counterparts are on the verge of receiving a full spiritual awakening activation,This has been brought about due to the fact that awakening fully and completely within the third dimension has proved to be far more challenging than many souls originally believed it would be, thus a very loud call has been sent forth from the masculine polarity counterparts requesting divine intervention with regards to assisting them with their full spiritual awakening.
Beloveds we are the Divine intervention team, and we have been called together to work as a cohesive soul group to awaken the sleeping masculine counterparts……. great shifts are abound in the collective twin flame timelines currently….. expect endings in soulmate relationships, and beginnings in holy divine consort sacred unions……. all is well beloveds……….. the stars are aligned like never before, assisting you on this exceptionally challenging and yet beautiful path, designed to align and unite you with your divine holy consort your exact vibrational match.
I bow to the eternal presence of the one who read these words….. you are remembered you are cherished and you
In love light and eternal service
JenJi and the white wolf tribe….

Details for the next webinar….
The next webinar will take place at 6 pm uk time on the 11th november 2016, In this transmission we will be deciphering the mystery of the 11/11 phenomenon, and receiving Spirits master download around the significance of these numbers. We will also be deciphering the spiritual meaning behind synchronicity, and the reason our higher self orchestrates synchronicity particularly for us on the spiritual awakening path we will be asking the question what is synchronicity, and why do awakened and awakening one's experience it so prolifically……. On this date we will be also working together as an awakened group consciousness master circle to initiate a full spiritual awakening in many of the sleeping twin flame counterparts… This initiation has been requested by the higher council of light as the 3rd dimensional illusion has been much stronger than many souls believed it would be, Thus the sleeping counterparts are collectively reaching out for assistance to awaken them fully and completely to who they are as a multidimensional avatar being…. this is by far turning out to be the most powerful transmission I have facilitated so far🙏spirit is strongly guiding the group to work specifically with the removal of the dark insidious virus program of lack from our divine consciousness software.
This program of lack has left the greatest scar and had the most powerful impact on us Gods divine children..........It has effected our core safety and survival issues, and our relationship personally and collectively with health wealth and abundance......... this has to be removed now!!!! Beloved your presence is DEEPLY required to be on this call, We are ushering in a brand new paradigm and it is crucial that we have as many awakened light warriors as possible.......
The program of lack is the reason why many Twin flame starseeds are in physical separation from their beloveds, and in fact this is the core reason in the vast majority of the unions....
We will be working together to once and for all remove this deeply untruthful and misaligned program from humanities consciousnesse during the 11.11 transmission, and we will be implementing and aligning with the eternal TRUTH that we are loved, we are supported, we are protected, and we are being taken care of by our HigHer SelF..........
Your presence is very much required on this call, particularly if you resonate that your twin flame is still sleeping spiritually, This 11/11 date is an extremely potent activation portal for the collective twin flame timeline, Many if not all of us are already experiencing profound miracles and breakthroughs with the collective and in our own personal timelines from gathering together on our grid points in this way… Our Group is becoming a beacon of necessary transformation on the 3rd dimension, and You are invited to Join this Band of illuminated light workers, star seeds, and Twin flames.
Your presence is required on this call……. the investment is £22, and will last between 60 and 90 mins
to book your place please send a direct email to

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