Wednesday, April 22, 2015

What is really important to you in this life?

22 April 2015

Violet flowers

“Beautiful people- Today we come to you with the question ‘What is really important to you this time on the earth plane?’ – What do you think is the most valuable use of your time and your energies? Is it to make lots of money? – To create empires in your own name? Is it to raise your children and have them go off to college? None of these things are fruitless endeavors but we would like to remind you today of the reasons you came.

You came to grow your souls to learn lessons where perhaps you have been stuck before. You have come to experience this life and to experience it with others but most of all to grow in love. Most people on the planet are still growing their abilities in love, most people are still learning to love unconditionally. We know that on earth this task is a big one for many as there seems to be so many obstacles set up in your way. Perhaps your families are judgmental one way or another and you fall also into this pattern of thinking until you gain your own insights and your own set of thoughts.

The place of your birth and the nation where you were born determine how you feel about certain things but dear ones you can change your minds- you can alter your own perceptions even in a crowd of people saying one thing you can know the truth through all of this. You can know that the infinite spirit would not judge a man who loves another man and would also love a woman who raises a baby without a husband by her side. You can know with your own logic and love that to the infinite spirit – you are all loved and special. If you really tuned into your hearts you could feel this.

So, dear ones- What is important for you to achieve in this lifetime? – We know you each have your own opinion and all of it is correct but we would like to suggest that you think and try to connect with who you were before you entered back into this physical realm. Who did you ask yourself to be when coming back to earth? What did you hope you might achieve? You can often feel these glimmers of excitement any joy which help you to feel this pathway stretching out before you. You may notice your attention being drawn to particular things as you walk through your life –You have left yourself signs to help yourself home and to make the most of your time here.

Many of you have goals to achieve and help others and the planet. Many of you wanted to bring something down to earth to assist others – A form of healing, medicine, music and many other things. Try your best not to lose your track from what you created for yourself. There is no wrong doing if you lose your path- but if you can succeed in creating this life that you laid out for yourself, you would be so proud at the end of your life to look back at your own journey. You would marvel at what you were able to achieve for yourself.

You lose the ability to see the full picture of all that is happening when you are back in your physical bodies on earth. It is like walking in a fog and you need to learn and re-learn ways to find which direction leads you home. This is why learning to feel from your hearts is infinitely valuable as when this connection is from your heart- it is clear and strong and it can determine which way to the golden path for your life- which path will allow you to achieve the most with your god given talents- Which pathway will lead you closer and the fastest to what you hoped that when you came here you would achieve.

This does not mean that life is a competition and you need to keep striving- actually often this is quite the opposite. We need you to rest a while and be still to allow your connection to the divine. But- what is it that by the end of your life would be important for you to achieve? We would like to suggest LOVE as something that people upon leaving the earth wished with all their hearts what they had shown more love and shared more love to those around them and the world in general.

When you step at the end of your life to review how you went, you will always wish that your heart and love was the most prolific area of your life.

You will have wished that you had shown and told others how much you loved them. You will have wished to have had more time to follow your joys and bring joys to others. At the end of your life when you leave your body you can see how virtually unimportant are the layers of materialism that you surround yourself with- the houses, the cars and the clothes all seem to pale as insignificant when leaving the earth plane. You in that moment know that love and loving others is really the most important of all.

You know then if you feel that you showed others how you really felt and if you gave thanks for all the love you received. If you spread joy- you will feel joy. If you spread love you will feel love. This is why my dear friends we are aiming with these words to divert your attention towards things of true importance.

Love for thyself and love for others. Understanding for thyself and understanding of others. Caring for thyself and caring for others.

When you reach the other side these things will be the most important of all things. You will let go of the rest of the material items as you cannot take their lower vibrationary forms with you. They will only hold you back as the reach for the light at the end of your life. See if you can find a lighter grip on these things now – lightly grip all of those material possessions and place what is of real importance at the centre of your life. Place what is important at the centre as it comes with you at the end of your days – Love, caring and understanding for all. Learnings and growth in these areas will put you in a beautiful space to leave this earth in peace, proud of your journey.

Find what is important, truly important and give your time to this now. It is never too late to change the hierarchies of your life or to remember what is the most important.

Please do this for the good of your soul’s growth forward-

We love you very much- The Circle of Seven”

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