Thursday, April 23, 2015

Wesak Message from Kannon

Posted on 2015/04/23 by Bob Fickes

I AM Kannon! I bring you Light and Love. May your Love grow more powerfully now as the moon approaches the great celebration of Wesak. This is a joyous time for all of us.

Wesak is a time of celebrating your own Enlightenment. May you be blessed. Your Enlightenment is surely coming. Even as this moon gets brighter with each day, so too is your Inner Consciousness growing with more Love and Joy.

Wesak is showing you the things that need to be changed. With each day that the moon grows your Inner Consciousness is growing too. See the things that need to be changed and do what is necessary. The universe supports you now to take action.

Feel the Love pouring down upon this Earth. Feel the Moon Glow warming your heart and spreading throughout your body. This is Soma, the Nectar of Immortality. Soma has a sweet taste but sometimes feels bitter as it clears the karma. All of this clearing is necessary for your Enlightenment. It will soon transform your daily life to great goodness and prosperity.

Properity is not in material wealth. True Prosperity is in the goodness of Love. True Prosperity is in acceptance of all living things and greeting each day with a smile. Even when your heart is sad, welcome the Light of the Moon into your heart and let the Soma flow. The Soma will heal you.

Where does the Soma come from? Soma is activated when the Moon touches your heart. Soma comes with the gift of compassion and love. With each day approaching Wesak, celebrate your heart opening to new love. Pray for the world to become a more joyful place for all living beings. Soma is the flow of Love. Let your Love radiate and feel its goodness. This is the time for celebrating your New Life in the arms of Universal Love.

When you sleep tonight and each night coming before Wesak, say thank you! This Wesak celebration will be the beginning of the life you have waited for. Take a new step in your life and confirm it. Bless you! I AM Kannon.

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