Thursday, March 19, 2015

Why are we here? - From God

19 March 2015

Violet flowers

Why are we here? – from God (Automatic writing chanelling)

So, sometimes I have a silly case of channeling jealousy.. Well- Not really – But I think and talk to spirit and say.. “Hey Kryon could you send me some lovely stories to share, or how lucky Neale Donald Walsh chatting to God, or Esther giving us the wonderful wisdom on Abraham… And then this Monday I was getting home from work and my hand was shaking (as it does when a message is waiting to come through) and I took my book and sat down ready to write trying to figure out through the energy who it was coming through. (Different energies sometimes move my body differently) and it felt like God. Yay! And then at the end of the message it said it was God- Yipee- Hope you enjoy it.

‘Why are we all here?
I hear you asking and pondering this question often. Am I on the right path? Am I meant to take this job or that house or will I end up doing the wrong thing? And your beautiful brains become a bit of a muddled mess – Oh dear- So much thinking and sometimes not enough feeling and trusting and connecting to us.

The reasons you came to earth are plentiful. You came to remember, to grow and to learn. You came back because you wanted to give yourselves another shot to do this differently. Another reason to love, to live, to serve others and connect with your soul and your soul families.

It can feel like a land of fog on earth as we are peeling back the layers of bodies and masks that we wear. We often get completely sidetracked from the reasons we came.

We get fascinated by the toys along the way- the Shiny trinkets on the side of the road- not knowing that the Golden Temple of all you ever wanted was up ahead of you- further up the road and around the hill.

But you need to keep moving up your road. – But, what does it mean to be going up your road?

Well, from our view your growth forward is the growth of the soul. Your soul is the only part that comes home with you, the learning and wisdom and the growth you have made. These come home with you. The rest of it remains behind on earth. The material possessions -The houses and boats that you may have sacrificed your health and soul to achieve, are left behind on the material planet.

So when you ask me, or ponder if you are on the right path- check in with your heart and feel your way. Your heart truly is a compass. And those things that light you up (truly light you up) give you the indication that you are walking the right way forward towards your Golden Temple.

Many of us feel that there is only one path but that is not the truth. Every path is distinct and especially yours to make. Try not to be fascinated with the journey of another so much that you lose your own path. Try to keep your head and your heart aimed towards your final goals or growth in love and soul development.

For some of you the functioning abilities of your physical bodies may need to be somewhat compromised before you will find your way past the body and into your hearts and souls. Some of your physical bodies will suffer a lot until you can tune in and go past these bodies into your necessary growth- Soul growth, heart learning and growing. This is far more important than the houses and cars although fun to create when you are there – Finding the balance is of up most importance.

So- The Initial question- Why am I here? Well- It’s up to you. What did you decide before you came back? You are the best person to tell yourself this as if was of your own creation. Get still and tune in to your heart-

Where would you like to be at the end of your life?
What would you like to have left for the world when you have gone? – A legacy of love of joy and of smiles. This sounds like a grand plan to me.

Caring for one another is the grandest plan. Finding love for one another is another grand plan. But learning to love one another can often be the hardest job of all- It can be a lifelong task to bring love to your actions and your words. To bring caring and an open heart to each area of your life. This is a life worth living. This is the journey that would get you towards your own pinnacle at the end of this earth road.

Love yourself and others- Care for yourself and others and let the rest of life settle around these premises. This is why you are here. To find love through the fog, joy in the dark times and connection when you feel most disconnected.

We are here beside you urging you forward- Talk to us. We help you more than you know’ – GOD

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