Friday, March 20, 2015

Energetic Upgrades – The Founders

channeled by

“For thousands of your years people have been given only what they could handle. This is how it has been and how it needed to be for all of you to make your evolution at a pace that was comfortable. Now you are being given more and you are being asked to take it on. The more that we are speaking of is not information. The more we are speaking of is energy.

Many of you are feeling as though your systems are short-circuiting at this time, as though your bodies are not capable of handling that which is moving to them and through them. And you may feel this way for the next several days or even weeks. But you are not fragile beings, and your bodies are not out-of-date computers. They are machines that adapt well and easily to upgrades.

So the best advice that we can give all of you is to rest, relax, drink lots of water, and avoid anything that is an unnecessary source of stress for you. Be in your hearts as much as you possibly can. Know that this particular upgrade is one that will last you through the transition to the fifth dimension.

And take your progress with pride. Know that you would not be receiving this much energy if you were not up to the task. Believe in yourselves and in your abilities, and know that your upgrades are coming from the highest source possible. So enjoy the energy and ride the wave. You have all earned it.

We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”

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