Sunday, March 22, 2015

Positive and Negative Energy – The Founders

“Positive energy is made up of the same stuff as negative energy. So you see, there is no intrinsic value to make one better than the other. They are not so different. The experience that you have of either or both depends more upon your perspective than the actual energy itself.

So when you talk about things as though they inherently cause you to feel a certain way, you are giving your power over to something that really has no intrinsic power over you. So it behooves all of you to see all energy as equal and to see yourselves as the ones who create an experience of that energy.

Whether or not you agree with someone else about the particular charge that certain energy has will always depend upon the energy you are holding in the moment. That is why something can activate, and trigger you, and feel absolutely neutral to someone else. And to yet another person, the experience may be that of amusement.

So why are we even making a distinction here between positive energy and negative energy? It is purely for the purpose of having a conversation about it. When you feel attracted to something, you must recognize that there is something within you that is meant to have an experience with that which you are attracted to. It does not mean that you will then label all of your experiences as positive.

But all experiences that you have in life can result in a positive effect. And by positive effect, we mean, by your own definition. So this is why it is so important and necessary for you to drop your labels and your judgments and instead allow for your personal experiences. And when you recognize that every experience that you have benefits you in some way, that is the moment when you begin to experience the positive effect.

We are The Founders. We are the keepers of the flame.”

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