Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Apply the Masters’ Teachings on a Practical Level to Business:
The Successful Implementation of Spirit in Everyday Work
We have been living within a cycle of forgetfulness for millennia and our unique opportunity is now to awaken to the amazing Goodness that we are and transform our world guided by the wisdom of our Greater True Self.
In this light, business becomes an activity whose mission is completely intertwined with our larger goal – to awaken to our Destiny and ascend in truth to our certainty, and the majesty and magnificence of who we truly are.
We can work with our brothers and sisters in “co-creatorship” to bring about unity and wellbeing to as many as possible to live in peace and harmony, love and respect, and create communities that really matter because we are co-creating Heaven on Earth through our businesses.
You are being invited to elevate you and your business from where you are to where you want to be using your higher guidance, and gain a new inspired perspective and dynamic position in life that fills your life with profound meaning and purpose because you are focused and aligned with what truly matters.
This is the time to change gears and stop asking the Universe to be the way you want it to be and start creating it anew by emanating from inside out a clear vision, and utilizing the opportunities with your clients/customers and the everyday working environment to sculpt your business into being an example of what’s possible.
We have been inspired by the Masters to create this very unique training that aligns each of us with a business that serves the well-being of the world, creating empowering businesses that are innovative and carry the passion of each person—for in the process we transform ourselves, each other and the world.
Learn game changing technology—an innovative revolutionary approach—to put an end to past robotic behaviors that are responsible for inner struggles, outer battles, business disasters and rampant corruption that have undermined the truth of who we really are and our Power to positively choose our destiny.

Create your business as an expansive environment that nurtures and supports the joyful evolution, growth and true prosperity of all concerned.

You will learn how to:
* Enjoy a business that nurtures you on the deepest level and supports expansion into the highest expression of your full potential while tapping into the abundance of the universe.
* Determine if your business is an accurate expression of your unlimited true self and your life’s purpose.

* Create a business that is free of past doubt, fear and debt.

* Use the ups and downs of life to consistently move forward.
* Open to receive your higher wisdom and let it pour into your awareness.
* Remain connected to the certainty of your inner guidance that will ensure your success every step of the way.
* Pay attention to your inner navigation system to successfully chart your course through the ever-changing world of economics and business.
* Recognize when you are disconnected and reconnect and stay aligned with your wise Inner Knower.


* Sustain stillness, peace and a sense of your Greater Self in the now moment to connect with your greatness and know the truth that you are without any reactions or distractions.

* Move beyond old robotic ego behaviors stored in your everyday mind that cover up your real brilliance.

* Correctly perceive your environment, as well as your higher guidance to make choices that constantly improve your actions and results.

* Evolve into your true inheritance and higher potential that completely changes your everyday game and strategy of your business activity and your life.

 Become masters at tuning into, feeling and following the guiding voice of your Greater Self ~ become familiar with its messages and ways to communicate since its voice is not as loud as the ego-generated noise that normally surrounds and compels our attention.

Increase your capacity to discern what is happening in your internal space so you can recognize the players and their actions:

Your ego part of yourself is determined to keep in control, still operating from the past and forcing solutions that are repetitive and out of sync with the present situation, operating outside of reality from an urgent sense of survival and forcing its way fueled by a never-ending ambition to accumulate at all costs and judge down or suppress all that comes in its way.

Or your Wise Greater Self – This is who you really are, operating with higher energy, guidance and feelings of inspiration, peace, love, cooperation and 100% certainty.

You will receive teachings, distinctions, understandings, strategies, examples and exercises that will align your business creations with what will fulfill your deepest purpose, meaning and mission in life:
* Open to receive your highest guidance to ensure your success, align with your greatest potential and experience unlimited prosperity.
* Turn your breakdowns into breakthroughs to move forward to achieve your vision.
* Actualize your Passion to implement your Mission in life, which will bring you the greatest satisfaction, meaning and fulfillment.
* Open to receive a higher perspective and play a bigger game where more people can participate and win.
* Align with the powerful Flow of the Universe that results in mutual prosperity.

* Connect with your wise Inner Knower that always has workable mutually beneficial solutions.
Easily take risks that favor your growth and upward evolutionary path.
* Design your business to impact the world and the planet in the greatest way.
* Ensure that your business serves the highest in yourself and others on all levels—employees, consumers, humanity, the world, the environment.

The Spiritual Community: http://mediumpsychic.info

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