God said:
Where would you like to go with Me today? What would you like to partake of? What do you want to see? Which of My arms do you want to hold on to? To what place in the universe would you like to accompany Me? And whom would you like to bring with you?
Of what would you like to sample? Where would you like to travel with Me today? Of what momentousness shall We partake? Let's make today a vacation into Reality. Let's make it a journey of desire. Let's make a path in a road untraveled. Let's go where you have never been before.
But, ah, there is no before. There is no place where you have not been, for I am everywhere, and I am never without you, and you are never without Me, and so there is only Allness and Everywhere and the Beingness of Us.
We have traveled many roads together in Our One Existence. We have tasted all the flavors of life. We have been everywhere and done everything together. The difference is I remember, and you forget.
You forget where you have been, and you forget where you are. You forget who you are, and you forget Our inviolable connection. You think you are someone else somewhere else, and so your mind wanders.
You cannot wander, but your mind certainly can. Your mind certainly does. But if your mind can wander from your heart's truth, it can certainly come back. It can restore itself to its rightful place. You have rights. You have rights of being.
Rites of passage are mental exercises. It is your thoughts you pass through. Get past them.
Burn your thoughts in the fire of truth. Let them go up in smoke. Of what good are thoughts when they keep you back from the realization of who and what you are?
Perhaps you require new thoughts. Disenfranchise your present ones, for they are not even your own.
Walking the path of righteousness is nothing more than knowing where you are going. Knowing where you are going is everything. When you don't know where you are going, you bump into things. You stub your toe. When you know where you are going, you take flight. There is only one flight, and it is to Me.
Is there some place else that you want to go? Is there some place else in existence to go to? Is there another's heart you wish to enter more than Mine? Is there another jurisdiction on earth? What is there but the rule of My heart? And the rule of My heart is love. Love is your function. It is your destination, and it is your path. Let your heart leap over to Mine.
Anything but pure love is a substitute, and a poor one at that. You have dallied with yourself. You have experimented with yourself. It is your free will to choose to fool around. It is also your free will to choose your own greatness. You have searched for fool's gold. You have sought to catch light, when light is yours to shine. The stream of light to catch is your own.
Light is what belongs to you. Light is what you are made of. My light is what you are made of. I made you with great love. Making you with is the same as making you of. What I made you of is what you are. You are what I made you of. What could I possibly make you of but what I am?
There was nothing but Myself to choose from, and therefore I chose you. I discovered you Myself. You appeared before My very eyes. I said, "Let there be light." And you appeared in the light. I never stopped saying, "Let there be light". And so My light emanated in a thought of you, and so My light that is you continues.
Agree with My thought. Concede to it. Surrender to the light of My heart that flames in you. Stop fussing. Now discover Me in you.
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