God said:
You are beginning to learn the great benefits of letting go. It is control you let go of. It is having to control that you let go of. All your control holds back. All your release of control lets things go forward.
But control is more than an outer manifestation. Letting go of control is more than merely keeping your mouth shut. Letting go of control is more than gritting your teeth and biting your tongue.
Letting go of control is coming to a place where you simply lean back and let evolution happen on its own. It is amazing how the world will go on without your interference. Good will happen without your insisting on it. Packages in life will get wrapped and tied and mailed out without your preoccupation with them. Meaningfulness is its own message. And you have to let meaningfulness be and belong to those whose hearts it enters.
When you try to control others, you interrupt their contact with the Divine. Control makes them lose their place. You interrupt their giving.
People have to give as they see to give. And you have to give others their freedom to give, and so you let go of trying to control how they see things and do things.
Everyone has their own contract with Me. They have their own outpourings. They cannot pour yours. They can only pour theirs and Mine.
Hearts and ideas cannot be mass-produced. You do not want to come out of an assembly-line; nor does anyone else.
All want to create as they are meant to create. When someone has to do something your way, you have not given them the freedom to create. Following is not the same as creating.
Control is a kind of forcing. The forcing may be subtle or persuasive, or it may be overt. No matter, controlling is not a favor you do for yourself or anyone.
Do not control yourself. You do not know all you can do. Free yourself from the shackles of control you have imposed. Control is not going forward. It is holding back. It is a brake, not a gear ahead.
Control is very self-conscious. It is an imposition upon life. Control is made of short jerky motions. Control does not allow flow.
And life is meant to flow. It is meant to expand not contract. It is meant to flow.
Do not put the lid on life. Take the lid off.
A fountain rises of itself. It finds its own direction. If you put your hand over it, you prevent its natural rising. You clamp it.
Do not clamp another's heart. Do not clamp your own. Do not clamp another's expression, for they are trying to express Me. They cannot express Me for you. Have your own expression. Let them have theirs. Do not mind so much what others do and how they do it. Control does not express. It suppresses.
There is something far more important than a particular outcome or result you have in mind. There is a beating of hearts. You cannot set the rhythm for other hearts. You can inspire others' hearts, but you cannot conduct them like an orchestra.
Let your heart be a baton that you wave in the air, and let others' hearts land where they may. You can only point to your own heart. It is not for you to direct the traffic of other hearts.
Control is often only for its own sake. It wants to see itself. It wants to sputter. But let your life be for My sake, and you will free others to Me. Let Me guide them. Be you innocent.
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