Your Absolute Truth
by Celestial White Being
Channeled through Natalie Glasson
Greetings to you beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth with our bliss, our love and our peace. Today, as always, we bring forth our absolute truth. This is a truth that is unique to us. It is an expression of the Creator that we align with, that touches us/our soul/our essence deeply, that describes all that we are and supports us in leading the pathway that is most appropriate for us in our spiritual evolution, as a soul group, and as individual expressions of the soul group.
We follow the guidance of our absolute truth. This guidance may be different to other soul groups and other expressions of the Creator. We follow our absolute truth, knowing that this is our personal, intimate connection with the Creator. It is our relationship with the Creator. It is our oneness with the Creator - all that we are merged with, all that is the Creator - and it creates this unique expression; this unique vibration and frequency which we call the Celestial White Beings. Because the vibration is aligned with the celestial levels, our energy often appears as a white light.
While we are one united soul group, we enjoy appearing as many beings of light. We, the Celestial White Beings, come forth to share with you today about our absolute truth because we wish to encourage you to access your own absolute truth.
In many ways you are already connected with your own absolute truth; your relationship/oneness/unity with the Creator that is synthesised and creates the vibration that you are, at the highest possible purest level. That is your absolute truth. It is important to bring that absolute truth into your being; into every cell, every aspect, every level, every body and every manifestation of your being.
A wonderful way to bring this into your being is, of course, through meditation, visualisation and intention. Another way is to examine your beliefs/thoughts/creations in your reality, and everything that you hear, everything that comes into your reality that you see/sense/acknowledge.
As you expand your awareness, to observe all that you are and all that is around you, you can ask yourself, is this my absolute truth…or…is this an expression of my absolute truth? Allow yourself to acknowledge whether it is or it isn’t.
If it is an expression of your absolute truth, it will support you; it will nurture and nourish you and allow you to experience and to feel expanded and connected to the Creator, as if the Creator is supporting you.
If it is not an expression of your absolute truth, then it is most likely that it won’t feel as if you are supported, or only partially supported. Maybe it brings joy for some time, but not a full and absolute joy. Maybe it feels there are limitations and boundaries with this, whatever it may be.....................
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