Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Sanat Kumara: The Law of Intent – How to Hold, Send & Celebrate! - October 2, 2024 by


Sanat Kumara through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love: The Universal Law of Intent (1)

Clarity of Intent

Sanat Kumara: It isn’t something that you do for 10 minutes a day. Now, you may take 10 minutes at the start of your day to anchor the clarity of intent.

  • Intention for your day
  • Intention for your week
  • Intention for your behaviour
  • Intention for what you choose to receive throughout the day
  • How you wish to interact with others
  • The inspiration you wish to receive

(I have an app that I have typed these intentions into. It’s called Morning!)

So, you set the intent, but you carry that around like an amulet around your neck, all day long, each and every day, and you have carried your intention for this and every lifetime for eons, so it is already embedded deep within you.

It is simply bringing it into your conscious reality and your everyday activity. That is part of the reason why we are speaking about intent right now.

It is about bringing it into your world, and letting it be reflected by the Divine Qualities, because the expression of intent – your intent which is part of Divine Intent – is never cruel, is never unfair, is never unkind.

Our Invisible Work

A great deal of the work of transformation that is taking place upon this planet is not seen, so it is difficult, and it is an act of trust, of faith, when you send Love to a war zone, for example,

“I am sending energy to ________________ for the heart opening, so the people of this nation are free to express, to thrive, to grow, to shift.”

And then you see that there is a change, and you think, “It worked!”

Or do you think, “Gee, I hope I was part of that?”

What I am asking you is to celebrate the victories of the unseen and invisible. When you note a shift, a change, and it is often subtle, and sometimes it is very obvious, celebrate it!

You do not take, and I mean all of you, you do not take enough credit for the work you do, so this is part of the difficulty. You think,

“I work and work and work. I send, I send, I send, and where is my proof?”

But the proof is there, so when you witness it, when you see a change in attitude, behaviours or nation states become more compassionate, more open, say to yourself,

“I did that.”

Take the credit.

Celebrate – not in an ego sense, but in the sense of a job well done – please, we are asking you to do this.

Sending Energy with Knowing It May Not Be Accepted

When you send the energy, and it doesn’t matter whether it is to heal a broken body or a broken heart or a shattered nation, you also have to realize that there is the ability to reject, on the part of the recipient. You have to realize that you are not in complete control.

You are a contributor not a controller, and that there is a Divine Plan of Unfoldment, so think of it in this way:

Every person, whether it is an individual in hospital, an individual who is a head of state, an individual who believes themselves to be in dire straits, they all are in a situation where they – can we say? – are in desperate need to receive, but if their hearts in that moment say, “No” then that is accepted.

It is the free will we will never interfere with, but let us also explain because you say, “What happens when you don’t see results?”

One of the New Rules of the Law of Intent

Let us also explain – and we do this, as well, by the way – how it works: There are 2 things that happen.

First of all, the energy that you send, the energy of Love and healing, is never wasted.

That is one of the new rules, that is one of the Law of Intent.

If your intent is to send healing energy, then that is what happens; 2 things happen:

  1. It goes to others, plural, who are praying for healing, so they receive the answer to the prayer that they have been making, to the plea that they have sent out.

The other thing that happens – and this is part of what we also are doing – is that that energy, so think of it as the sun:

  1. Now the rays of the sun are going out, and healing others, and the sun is still standing at the doorway of that individual that you have sent to. Now, with your sun, adds my sun, adds Gabrielle’s sun, adds Michael’s sun, adds the Mother’s Sun and eventually what happens, is the power is so strong it breaks down and melts that wall, so don’t think that because you do not see the immediate results, that it is not having its effect. It is.

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