Friday, October 4, 2024

Navigate Life with the Celestial White Beings - October 4, 2024

Living Your Life
by Celestial White Beings

Channeled through Natalie Glasson 

Greetings to you beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings, named so because our energy often appears as pure white light. Our vibration is aligned with the celestial vibrations and, although we are one source of energy, we can be seen as many beings.

Today we wish to come forth and share a subject matter of ‘living your life.’ 


You have an existence upon the earth, now. This is immensely valuable not only for your soul but for every soul upon the earth and within the Universe of the Creator. 


What you discover in your current reality creates ripples that flow throughout the entire Universe of the Creator. Every being benefits from your impact, your understandings, transformations and shifts. In truth, every aspect of the Creator’s universe comes into balance with greater intensity as you send ripples out across the universe. 

Your reality, your life, your existence upon the earth, is treasured.  

It is also important to realise that your experiences and actions are both guided by your soul, and benefit your soul. This remains true especially when you are in alignment with your soul; you are connected with your soul and you are allowing yourself to be supported by your soul. You can use any label you wish. You may wish to use Higher Self, Essence, or Creator Self. We are speaking of the divinity within you that flows through you from the Creator - from the source of all that is. 

When you are aligned to your source, when you are allowing yourself to be supported, then you allow yourself to be a powerful, loving, peaceful and impactful being upon the earth. So, we recognise the importance of alignment and allowing yourself to receive the support that is present.

Often creations come solely from the mind, the ego or judgements that you are repeating. When a creation comes from the soul/from alignment/from a space of peace within, it is powerful, beautiful and impactful. It is often when creations come more from the mind, that there is lack of support; you may feel as if you are unsupported. When a creation comes from within your being - an action or an experience - you feel completely and absolutely supported and carried or held. 

We, the Celestial White Beings, also wish to share with you the need for observation. 

Imagine you had the ability to observe everything; to observe yourself, your emotions, your thoughts, your inner essence, your experiences, and people around you. You do have that ability - to observe, without judgment. 

When you observe and recognise, this is a very powerful way of being and of living because you are not necessarily disregarding anything or anyone. You are simply recognising what is coming into your awareness or your observation, and you’re simply acknowledging it.   

For example, you may be surrounded by friends and feeling the joy of friendship. As you observe, you might say to yourself, ‘In this space with my friends, I am feeling the joy of friendship and connection.'...................

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Through Natalie Glasson

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