Thursday, October 3, 2024

God's Revelation - Heavenletter #287

God said:

When you become more alert, you will see how I have been slipping you answers to your voiced and unvoiced prayers. You have to look. I pepper you with answers in your life, but you are looking for different answers, or you simply are so besotted with your problems that you do not see anything at all but your problems. Look up, look up!

I have all the answers, and I give them to you.

I said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

I say, "Let there be light now in you," and your heart and mind are lighted. Pay attention.

It is not so much that you have to interpret the events and signs and words that come along. You have to catch on to them. You are like a fish who catches minnows. You have to notice there are minnows around, and you have to open your mouth.

My answers are swimming all around. Minnows do not wear signs over their necks saying, "Minnow here." You have to identify what it is in front of you before you can be open to it.

Don't hold on so tight, and you will see.

This morning you will awaken, and some idea will come to you. Of course, you will think you thought it. But, anyway, an idea comes, and you think, "Aha! Why didn't I think of this before? The answer was right in front of me all along, and I didn't see it until this minute." Be happy you are awake to see something now, even if it took you a year!

Open your eyes, your heart, and your mind. Be more open than closed. Do not be closed tight. Do not be opened tight. Just be open, the way the day opens to the Sun.

A window through which you see through to the vastness outside has a pane of glass and a filtering screen. But to touch what lovely sight that you see through the window and screen, you have to open them, or you have to walk around and go out another way. You have to open something and go out there. But your eyes touch first. Like two butterflies, your eyes alight, and then you can follow with the rest of yourself what your eyes saw before you got there.

Sometimes you see something only when you have passed by it, and something makes you turn around. You can no longer touch it, but you have seen it, and the seeing, the light, may be more important than the touching. The touching may just be proof of what you have seen, another notch of credibility.

Seeing arranges things. Touching establishes place. But, of course, it is not your eyes that see nor your hands that touch. They are merely instruments of your heart and mind. Your heart and mind tell the story. Your heart and mind reveal the story to you. Yes, you are the writer of the story, and you are the reader of the story. And yet it is My story you tell.

I reveal Myself to you a hundred thousand times a day.

Learn My language which is beyond words. My language is beyond the concept of vocabulary. But My language is very telling.

I keep no secrets. The whole universe is My revelation, and you are part of My revelation. Now reveal yourself to yourself the same way I reveal Myself to you. That is the openness We speak of. You are a sender as well as receiver. The signals you send, you will receive.

When you hold on tight, the world resists you, for you are resisting life. Raise your feet a little off the floor. You do not have to be so grounded as you have thought, been taught. Lighten your hold, and everything will be in your grasp. I give you everything. You have everything. Only you have been counting and weighing to make sure nothing is missing, and so, while you are measuring, you are missing out on something.

Partake of all I give you, for I have given it to you, and it is yours to have right now.

The words, "For I am with you", is not idle chatter. It is the God's honest truth.

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