Friday, October 11, 2024

Celestial White Beings Present: Giving to the Now - October 11, 2024

Giving to the Now
by Celestial White Beings

Channeled through Natalie Glasson 

Greetings beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We bring you bliss. We shower you in bliss and we activate bliss from the very essence of your being - like a fire igniting, growing stronger, filling or embodying your entire being.

Imagine this fire of bliss. Maybe it is of a white colour with hints of blue, pink and gold, or maybe it is a completely different colour. Your bliss is personal to you. As you ignite the bliss within your being, you allow it to be imbedded into every cell and aspect of your being. This will fuel all that you are, all that you do and all that you create. Let yourself be a fire of bliss and let that fire spread far and wide.

Today we, the Celestial White Beings, wish to speak with you of the now - the present moment. 

We encourage you to contemplate the present moment. Every present moment is different. Each time you think of your present moment, you may be in a different space physically and mentally or emotionally. 

Every present moment has its own blessings, has its own teachings, enlightenment and realisations. Every present moment is unique and different and yet, when you allow yourself to enter into the space of your own presence, you allow yourself to exist in the present moment - in the now - as you move through and navigate your entire existence. 

It may seem impossible to be connected to your own presence while moving through different present moments. A present moment is when you are connected to your presence and aware of your own self and all that is around you. It is like a high alert within your being and around you. It is a time of observation - observing without judgment - even without the need for action, simply witnessing.  

As you allow yourself to witness your own being or the positive blessings that you are, as well as the stuck energies, you connect to the divine flow of your being and you allow everything to flow with ease - your soul, your Creator presence, your sacred spiritual abilities - they all flow with greater ease. It’s as if all doors are open. 

The stuck energies also flow; they start moving, unfolding and being carried away, no longer needed. You find yourself feeling more open, more connected to your divine self and the Creator, and more connected to your inner knowingness and truth. 

You allow yourself to enter deeper and deeper into your truth, thus you are engaging with yourself and your surroundings, your projections and your creations, with greater knowingness and focus...................

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Through Natalie Glasson

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